Russian Ships Carrying Soldiers Said To Be En Route To Sevastopol

RUSSIA - Those tracking the developments in the Ukraine, and specifically the Russian response to this weekend's coup, will be interested to note that according to the Russian website, the large landing ship Nikolai Filchenkov, previously known for its participation in the Syrian naval arms build up, is expected to arrive in the Crimean port of Sevastopol carrying 200 armed soldiers, sent from the nearby Black Sea town of Temryuk. This appears to not be an isolated move as the naval build up seems to be escalating. In a concurrent release, Izvestia Kiev reported that out of Kubinka, four ships carrying special forces, are being relocated to Anapa. From there, in four hours, they will depart for Sevastopol at a speed of 10-15 knots, citing "Izvestia in Ukraine" as a source.

GM crops: European scientists descend on Africa to promote biotech

EUROPE - Africa is expected to be the next target of GM food companies, as European scientists and policymakers travel to Ethiopia to boost the prospect of growing more of the controversial crops on the continent. Anne Glover, the chief scientific adviser to the European commission, and other prominent pro-GM researchers and policymakers from European countries including Germany, Hungary, Italy and Sweden will this week meet Ethiopian, Kenyan, Ghanaian and Nigerian farm ministers as well as officials from the African Union. Critics, however, said the meeting was a thinly disguised attempt to promote GM farming at a governmental level, whether or not it was good for local farmers.

Fed knew about Libor rigging in 2008

USA - The US Federal Reserve knew about Libor rigging three years before the financial scandal exploded but did not take any firm action, documents have revealed. According to newly published transcripts of the central bank’s meetings in the run-up to and immediate aftermath of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, a senior Fed official first flagged the issue at a policy meeting in April 2008. William Dudley expressed fears that banks were being dishonest in the way they were calculating the London interbank offered rate – a global benchmark interest rate used as the basis for trillions of pounds of loans and financial contracts.

International Press Missing the Real Story in Venezuela

VENEZUELA - The game changed in Venezuela last night. What had been a slow-motion unravelling that had stretched out over many years went kinetic all of a sudden. What we have this morning is no longer the Venezuela story you thought you understood. Throughout last night, panicked people told their stories of state-sponsored paramilitaries on motorcycles roaming middle class neighborhoods, shooting at people and storming into apartment buildings, shooting at anyone who seemed like he might be protesting. What we saw were not “street clashes”, what we saw is a state-hatched offensive to suppress and terrorize its opponents.

Russia To Add "Stealth" Subs To Mediterranean Force

RUSSIA - Many have been surprised by the lack of public response by Russia to the ongoings in Ukraine. Aside from some comments by Siluanov, the response has been concerning in its absence from the iron fist. However, quietly and with little new coverage, RiaNovosti reports that the combat capability of Russia’s naval task force in the Mediterranean will increase significantly - for the first time in decades - following the first deliveries of Varshavyanka-class submarines (with advanced stealth technology dubbed "black holes in the ocean") to the Black Sea Fleet.

Pope to Copeland: Catholics and Charismatics must spiritually uniteComment

VATICAN - We are galloping toward a one-world melding of religions, and the ramifications are staggering. Pope Francis has now sent a video message to Word of Faith father Kenneth Copeland, urging reconciliation between Catholics and Charismatics.

The Overmedication And Overschooling Of Today’s Youth

CANADA - What are we going to do about those little monsters called children? They won’t be quiet, won’t sit still and won’t pay attention. They aren’t succeeding in school, and no matter how many drugs we pump into them, they don’t seem to get any better.

Vatican: Pope creates new department to oversee finances

VATICAN - The Vatican bank is one of the world's most secretive financial institutions. A new department at the Vatican has been created by Pope Francis to oversee its finances following scandals at the institution. The new ministry would study the "organisational and economic problems of the Holy See", said the Vatican. An auditor will also oversee the department's dealings, it said. In January, Italian police reported a senior Italian cleric was charged with laundering millions through the Vatican Bank. But the change would not immediately affect the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), said a spokesperson. The IOR is one of the world's most secretive organisations. It has 114 employees and 5.4 billion euros of assets.

Rare 'polio-like' disease reports

USA - US doctors are warning of an emerging polio-like disease in California where up to 20 people have been infected. A meeting of the American Academy of Neurology heard that some patients had developed paralysis in all four limbs, which had not improved with treatment. The US is polio-free, but related viruses can also attack the nervous system leading to paralysis. Polio is a dangerous and feared childhood infection. The virus rapidly invades the nervous system and causes paralysis in one in 200 cases. It can be fatal if it stops the lungs from working.

Hamas: Recognizing Israel is a 'Death Sentence' to the PA

MIDDLE EAST - Lawmakers from Hamas on Sunday warned Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas against recognizing Israel as part of the ongoing peace process. The lawmakers said that recognition of Israel as a Jewish state would be a “death sentence” against the PA. Ibrahim Dahbour, one of Hamas’s representatives in the Palestinian Legislative Council, warned Abbas against giving up any of the "fundamental principles of the Palestinian people" in the negotiations with Israel, in particular with regards to the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state.

Pentagon's Chuck Hagel plans to downsize US military

USA - Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has unveiled plans to shrink the US Army to its smallest size since before World War Two. Outlining his budget plan, the Pentagon chief proposed trimming the active-duty Army to 440,000-450,000 personnel, down from 520,000 currently. Cold War-era Air Force fleets - the U-2 spy plane and the A-10 attack jet - will also be retired. However, the plan requires approval from Congress, which could change it. The US military is under pressure to downsize after two costly foreign wars.

“Free trade” pacts were about weakening nation-states to promote rule by multinationals

USA - Liberal internationalists, including people like Chase CEO David Rockefeller and former Undersecretary of State and an architect of 1960s American trade policies George Ball, began pressing for reductions in non-tariff barriers, which they perceived as the next set of trade impediments to pull down. But the idea behind getting rid of these barriers wasn’t about free trade; it was about reorganizing the world so that corporations could manage resources for “the benefit of mankind”. These agreements are about getting rid of national sovereignty, and the people who first pressed for NAFTA were explicit about it.


UKRAINE - Ukraine borders the Russian Federation to the east and northeast, Belarus to the northwest, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, Romania and Moldova to the southwest, and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south and southeast, respectively. It has an area of 603,628 km2 (233,062 sq miles), making it the largest country entirely within Europe. Ukraine has long been a global breadbasket due to its fertile conditions. As of 2011, it was the world's third-largest grain exporter with that year's harvest being much larger than average. Ukraine is one of ten most attractive agricultural land acquisition regions. Additionally, the country has a well-developed manufacturing sector, particularly in the area of aerospace and industrial equipment. The country is home to 44.6 million people.

Britain offers cash to Kiev as the world waits on Putin

UK - Britain has offered to help fund an international financial rescue package for Ukraine amid mounting fears that Russia may intervene following the country’s revolution. George Osborne, the Chancellor, said that Britain and other countries will be ready “with a chequebook” to help “rebuild” Ukraine following the bloody violence that has seen 88 killed and hundreds more injured. Amid growing fears that Russia could send troops into the country and mystery over the whereabouts of Viktor Yanukovych, the ousted president, Mr Osborne joined American and European leaders in pledging financial support to Ukraine.

Ukraine seems to win the “next financial crisis”

UKRAINE - And they win the award by having a much larger crisis overall. Russia has suspended financial aid to Ukraine. There are rumours of runs on banks and long queues at ATMs. There are rumours of Ukraine possibly splitting into two countries.

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Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)