Taking it to the wire, and beyond

USA - Even by Congress' high standards of messy brinkmanship, this was an extraordinary night. As the rest of America celebrated New Year's Eve, Democrat senators were shut in a meeting with Vice-President Joe Biden.

Multi-speed Europe edges forward with bank decision

EUROPE - Six months ago, this week's EU summit was going to be the moment to agree upon a "specific and time-bound" roadmap for moving the eurozone towards deeper Economic and Monetary Union. Now the goals appear to be more modest. The financial markets are calmer. But the direction of travel - towards closer integration - is still pretty clear.

EU federalists: UK could be 'associate member'

UK - The UK could be offered second-class status in the EU, under a proposal from some senior politicians in Brussels. Andrew Duff, a Liberal Democrat MEP, heads the Union of European Federalists, which has long pushed for more pooling of sovereignty.

Farmers urge minister to provide extreme weather insurance

UK - Last year's record rainfall has cost British farmers £1.3 billion, prompting calls for the government to provide insurance against extreme weather if it wants to preserve national food security. The National Farmers Union (NFU) estimates the extreme levels of rainfall in 2012 has cost the industry £600 million in lost output, especially from poor wheat and potato harvests, and another £700 million in extra costs such as feed for cattle, which could not graze in water-logged fields.

US Senate passes key deal to avoid tax rises

USA - The US Senate has approved a deal to avert tax hikes and spending cuts known as the "fiscal cliff". The bill, which raises taxes for the wealthy, came after lengthy talks between Vice-President Joe Biden and Senate Republicans.

Pope warns David Cameron on gay marriage

VATICAN - The Pope will today give a public warning to David Cameron that his plans for same-sex marriage will undermine the family. Pope Benedict XVI’s New Year’s Day message warns that the Coalition’s reforms will reduce the status of marriage and harm the families that are built around it. He will say that such moves by politicians are ‘an offence against the truth of the human person’. The Pope warns there is ‘a need to acknowledge and promote the natural structure of marriage as the union of a man and a woman in the face of attempts to make it juridically equivalent to radically different types of union’.

Sperm donor forced to pay child support to lesbian couple

USA - A sperm donor has been ordered to pay child support for the biological daughter he fathered to a lesbian couple who found him via Craigslist. Mr Marotta provided sperm which was used for artificial insemination by Ms Schreiner. In return, he gave up parental rights including financial duties for the child.

Witchcraft 'thriving in the Welsh countryside'

WALES, UK - Reverend Felix Aubel claims occult practices in rural Wales have been increasing during the two decades he has been working in the area. The minister spoke out after latest figures in the 2011 census has revealed 83 witches and 93 Satanists are living in Wales. He said there was an "unusual connection" between Christianity and witchcraft in some chapel circles in Wales. Reverend Aubel, who is the minister of five Congregational chapels in rural Carmarthenshire, said he has called out an exorcist after a witch placed a curse on one of his parishioners. He said: "This is not a joke and I would warn people not to get involved in the occult."

Chicago murder rate spikes, New York fallsComment

USA - In a sharp contrast between two of the nation's largest cities, Chicago recorded its 499th murder of 2012 on Thursday night while New York reported 414 murders as of Friday even though it has more than three times the population, according to police.

'Prepare for end of the world' by January 1

USA - Followers of cult leader, Warren Jeffs, who is behind bars for sexually assaulting young girls, are reportedly preparing for the end of the world tomorrow, after their former leader warned of Armageddon before midnight. Sam Brower, a private investigator who represents more than 100 former FLDS members, said law enforcement officers will monitor the situation in Jeffs' community closely - rather than just dismissing it as another false Armageddon warning from the radical preacher.

Britain should be offered 'second class' membership of the EU

EUROPE - An umbrella group of 20 organisations campaigning for a federal Europe suggested Britain should be offered "associate membership" of the EU to prevent the country leaving altogether. David Cameron is seen as the "continual impediment" to a closer integration of eurozone states, according to the Union of European Federalists. The plan would see the UK lose all its MEPs, its commissioner in Brussels and its right to veto decisions in the European Council, but remain in the single market. The Prime Minister is expected to deliver a major speech on his vision for Britain's future relationship with Europe within weeks.

Opec cartel to reap record $1trillion

MIDDLE EAST - The Opec oil cartel, led by Saudi Arabia, will pocket a record of more than US$1trillion in net oil revenues in 2012 as the annual average price for Brent, the benchmark, heads to an all-time high in spite of weak economic growth. The windfall will provide fresh capital to some of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds. United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, the most influential members of the cartel, are home to three of the world’s 10 largest SWFs by assets under management, according to estimates by the SWF Institute.

Google starts watching what you do off the Internet too

USA - The most powerful company on the Internet just got a whole lot creepier: a new service from Google merges offline consumer info with online intelligence, allowing advertisers to target users based on what they do at the keyboard and at the mall. Without much fanfare, Google announced news this week of a new advertising project, Conversions API, that will let businesses build all-encompassing user profiles based on not just what users search for on the Web, but what they purchase outside of the home. The blog goes on to explain that in-store transactions, call-tracking and other online activities can be inputted into Google to be combined with other information “to optimize your campaigns based on even more of your business data.”

Executives at collapsed Iceland bank jailed for fraud

REYKJAVIK, ICELAND - Two former executives at an Icelandic bank which collapsed in the 2008 financial meltdown were sentenced to jail on Friday for fraud which led to a 53 million euro loss, in the first major trial of Icelandic bankers linked to the crisis. A Reykjavik court sentenced Glitnir's former chief executive, Larus Welding, and former head of corporate finance, Gudmundur Hjaltason, each to nine months in jail, of which six months were suspended for two years. They had denied the charges. The sentence was less than the jail terms of at least five years demanded by Iceland's special prosecutor, who is looking into alleged wrongdoing connected to the crisis.

60,000 patients put on death pathway without being told

UK - Up to 60,000 patients die on the Liverpool Care Pathway each year without giving their consent, shocking figures revealed yesterday. A third of families are also kept in the dark when doctors withdraw lifesaving treatment from loved ones. Despite the revelations, Jeremy Hunt last night claimed the pathway was a ‘fantastic step forward’.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)