Britain Losing Allegiance to the EU

GERMANY/UK - Europe won the Nobel Peace Prize last week, but it comes at a time when the threat of the European Union splitting is considerable. Great Britain is turning away from the EU and the German government is allowing it to do so. In the future, Chancellor Merkel wants to forge ahead with projects London opposes.

China angry as Japan ministers visit shrine for war deadComment

JAPAN - China condemned a visit by two Japanese ministers to a controversial shrine for war dead on Thursday, further straining already tense relations between Asia's two largest economies. Sino-Japanese relations have soured sharply in the past month when a row over disputed islands led to violent anti-Japanese protests across China and badly hurt trade.

Greece braces for general strike

GREECE - Greece is braced for a general strike in protest against the next round of spending cuts, required in return for another bailout instalment. It will be the country's 20th national stoppage since the debt crisis erupted two years ago and comes as EU leaders meet in Brussels. Taxi drivers, ferry workers, doctors, teachers and air traffic controllers are among those taking part. Protests, which often turn violent, are also planned across the country.

A Balance of Weaknesses

GAZA, PALESTINE/BERLIN, GERMANY - Berlin's foreign policy politicians do not rule out a German military mission to the Gaza Strip. The Chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee of the German Parliament (Bundestag) demands that under certain circumstances, Germany should furnish soldiers to a multi-national Gaza Force.

More People Believe In Aliens Than God

UK - More people believe in aliens than God, according to new research. Nearly 60 per cent of people believe we are not alone in the universe and that alien life-forms exist, a new poll has found. While a report carried out by the University of Chicago claims that just 37 per cent of us believe in God.

UK food banks used by record number

UK - A record number of people received emergency food from UK food banks in the last six months, a charity says. The Trussell Trust said its food bank network had fed almost 110,000 people since April, compared with a total of 128,697 in the whole of 2011-12. Its food banks provide at least three days' worth of nutritionally-balanced food for local people in crisis.

Cable warns war could break out if the eurozone collapses

UK - Mr Gove, a close confidant of Prime Minister David Cameron, reportedly said he would vote to quit the EU if there was an immediate referendum on Britain’s membership. Mr Cable said: “I think we need to take stock that if the eurozone were to unravel in a way that destroyed the European project – and there is a risk that could happen – the consequences would be absolutely incalculable. We tend to forget, until we were reminded last week of that Nobel Prize, the European project was constructed in order to rescue Europe from extreme nationalism and conflict. There is no automatic guarantee that won’t return.”

The Global Economic Crisis Is About To Go To A Whole New Level

USA - The global debt crisis has reached a dangerous new phase. Unfortunately, most Americans are not taking notice of it yet because most of the action is taking place overseas, and because US financial markets are riding high. But just because the global economic crisis is unfolding at the pace of a “slow-motion train wreck” right now does not mean that it isn’t incredibly dangerous.

Executive Order Allows Seizure of Americans’ Bank Accounts

USA - The latest executive order (EO) emanating from the White House October 9 now claims the power to freeze all bank accounts and stop any related financial transactions that a “sanctioned person” may own or try to perform — all in the name of “Iran Sanctions.” The EO expands its authority by making the account holder unable to use any third party such as “a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, subgroup or other organization” that might wish to help them or allow them to obtain access to their funds. And if the individual so “sanctioned” decides that the ruling is unfair, they are not allowed to sue. In two words, the individual has successfully been robbed blind.

BRITAIN: 'We're ready to walk out on Europe'

UK - The chances of Britain leaving the EU rose dramatically last night after it emerged that one of David Cameron’s closest Cabinet allies believes it is time to tell Brussels bluntly: ‘We are ready to quit.’ Education Secretary Michael Gove has told friends that, if there was a referendum today on whether the UK should cut its ties with Brussels, he would vote to leave.

Top German Economists Say Greece Is Lost

GERMANY - Several top German economic institutes on Thursday warned that German growth is slowing as the country continues to be hampered by the ongoing euro-zone debt crisis. And Greece, they say, will be unable to "free itself from its debt burden" and will need another haircut.

‘Europe on the brink of revolution’

EUROPE - The chorus of anti-austerity voices grows louder in Greece as Athens scrambles to form a coalition government. While eurocrats prepare to give Greece the boot, political analyst Alessandro Politi told RT, speculators are Europe’s real enemy. Greek President Karolos Papoulias has called on the leaders of the country’s three biggest parties in a last ditch effort to avoid new elections. With the Left Coalition SYRIZA party insisting that it will not participate in any government “that will implement the bailout,” Greece faces bankruptcy within weeks, and a likely ejection from the eurozone.

Switzerland arming in preparation for European meltdown?

SWITZERLAND - The Swiss Army is preparing contingency plans for violent unrest across Europe. A nation mostly famous for its banks, watches and chocolate fears it may face a massive influx of European refugees in the near future. One of the world’s richest nations openly expressed concerns over the possible outcome of Europe’s continuing financial troubles, and is currently conducting army exercises against the possibility of riots along its borders. In September, the Swiss military conducted exercises dubbed ‘Stabilo Due,’ with scenarios involving violent instability across the EU.

Euroskeptics Call Nobel Honor an 'April Fool's Joke'

EUROPE - European leaders greeted the decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union on Friday, saying it would provide urgently needed motivation in the debt crisis. But euroskeptics could hardly believe their ears and are already ridiculing the jury in Oslo.

‘Parent 1’ and ‘Parent 2’ could legally replace mom and dad

PARIS, FRANCE - If France’s new Socialist government has its way, mothers and fathers will cease to exist — in legal papers, that is. Legislation that would legalize same-sex marriage and give homosexual couples the right to adopt children also would replace the terms “mother” and “father” with “parent 1” and “parent 2” in all legal documents, including birth certificates. The proposal has outraged France’s religious establishment and triggered a wave of criticism from many who say such changes to French law should be put to a public vote.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)