Egypt's Brotherhood heads urged jihad for Jerusalem

EGYPT - The supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, from which Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi emanated, called on Thursday for a jihad (holy war) to liberate Jerusalem from Israeli rule. "Jerusalem is Islamic ... and nobody is entitled to make concessions" on the Holy City, said Sheikh Mohammed Badie in his weekly message to supporters. "The jihad for the recovery of Jerusalem is a duty for all Muslims," he said, stressing that the liberation of the Holy City "will not be done through negotiations or at the United Nations."

Riots To Erupt All Over America?

USA - Will the most divisive campaign in modern American history culminate in massive riots in our major cities? Right now, supporters of Barack Obama and supporters of Mitt Romney are both pinning all of their hopes on a victory on November 6th.

Japan displays naval muscle amid islands strife

JAPAN - A graceful yet compellingly powerful Japanese armada has embellished the country’s Sagami Bay, showcasing the latest firepower of seabound warfare. The tri-annual fleet review conducted special military maneuvers with more than 8,000 troops spread over 36 vessels.

Hamas Advisor: Israel Must Disappear

MIDDLE EAST - An advisor to the Hamas government in Gaza urged his movement this week to refrain from emulating the PLO in making political concessions and adopting pragmatist policies. Instead, he called upon Hamas to declare that it was created to eliminate the State of Israel.

European Union is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

EUROPE - The European Union was today awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, despite being in the grip of an economic crisis which has sparked angry protests across the continent. The extraordinary decision was announced at a ceremony in Norway, where the five-member Nobel Peace Prize Committee said their choice was unanimous. But with the Eurozone still in the grip of a financial crisis, sparking riots and civil unrest in several countries, and growing calls for the EU’s powers to be curtailed, the decision attracted immediate derision and ridicule as a 'late April fools joke'.

IMF Warns Of EU Crisis Could Spread Globally

JAPAN - THE head of the International Monetary Fund warned that the EU crisis was creating a 'ripple effect' that could spread to the entire globe. IMF Chief Christine Lagarde, speaking at an annual meeting of the IMF and the World Bank in Tokyo called for urgent action to tackle Europe's debt problems, warning that the world economy would be brought down if it was not. Lagarde warned that the struggling world economy was already falling short of even pessimistic expectations.

Spain keelhauled by Germany and AAA chicanery

EUROPE - As Gary Jenkins from Swordfish says this morning: Spain is junked if it does, and junked if it doesn’t. A key reason for Standard & Poor’s two-notch downgrade of Spain to near junk last night is the refusal of Premier Mariano Rajoy to bite the bullet on a rescue. His "hesitation" is "potentially raising the risks to Spain’s rating". By contrast, Moody’s said earlier that it will cut Spain to junk if it DOES request a bail-out. What a marvellous mess. But feeling sorry for Spain is perhaps not the right emotion. The country can at any time restore control over its own destiny by leaving the euro.

October surprise: US and Israel prepare to strike Iran

USA/ISRAEL - The United States and Israel are already involved in discussions over how they could soon conduct a joint surgical strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, a source close to the talks tells Foreign Policy magazine.

EADS Blames Germany for Failed Merger with BAE

EUROPE - The merger between EADS and BAE would have created one of the world's largest aerospace and defense companies. But on Wednesday, it was called off. Germany, says EADS, bears the lion's share of the blame for the collapse of the mega-deal.

Confirmed: Pentagon deploys military forces to Jordan-Syria border

JORDAN - US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has confirmed that US troops have been dispatched to the Jordan-Syrian border to help bolster the former’s military capabilities in case violence escalates in the volatile region. The Syrian conflict took an unexpected turn last week when mortar fire struck across the border at neighboring Turkey, sparking outcry from the Turkish government who subsequently returned fire. Turkey deployed 25 new F-16 fighter jets to reinforce its borders this week as NATO pledged support if the conflict spills into the country again.

S&P Downgrades Spain

SPAIN - Spain’s debt rating was cut to one level above junk by Standard & Poor’s, which cited euro-region peers’ backtracking on a pledge to sever the link between the sovereign and its banks as it considers a second bailout. The downgrade comes after Spain announced a fifth austerity package in less than a year and published details about stress tests of its banks. Creditworthiness concerns have grown since the government requested as much as 100 billion euros ($129 billion) in European Union aid in June to shore up its lenders amid signals that the deficit target is in jeopardy.

Inside Mario Draghi's euro rescue plan

EUROPE - On a warm summer day on the eve of the Olympic Games, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi stood up at a business conference in London and dropped a bombshell. "Within our mandate, the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro," [Mr] Draghi told the audience in Lancaster House, a grand building in central London, then paused for effect. "And believe me, it will be enough."

New York, defiant Ahmadinejad says Israel will be 'eliminated'

NEW YORK, USA - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday Israel has no roots in the Middle East and would be "eliminated," ignoring a UN warning to avoid incendiary rhetoric ahead of the annual General Assembly session.

European Leaders Struggle to Overcome Fresh Crisis Stalemate

GERMANY - European leaders are struggling to overcome a crisis-fighting stalemate as they face discord over a banking union, Greece’s ongoing debate on how to meet bailout commitments and foot-dragging by Spain and Italy on financial aid requests. Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Francois Hollande underlined Franco-German disagreement over the weekend as they clashed on a timetable to introduce joint oversight of the region’s banking sector, with Merkel rebuffing Hollande’s appeal to activate it “the earlier, the better.” Financial markets “that are watching Europe want to see results,” Merkel said at the meeting on September 22 near Ludwigsburg, Germany.

Iran could launch pre-emptive strike

IRAN - Iran could launch a pre-emptive strike on Israel if it was sure the Jewish state was preparing to attack it, a senior commander of its elite Revolutionary Guards was quoted as saying on Sunday. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, a brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, made the comments to Iran's state-run Arabic language Al-Alam television. Hajizadeh said any attack on Iranian soil could trigger "World War Three".

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)