Americans suicides

USA - Suicide is the cause of more deaths than car crashes, according to an alarming new study. The number of people who commit suicide in the US has drastically increased while deaths from car accidents have dropped, making suicide the leading cause of injury death. Suicides via falls or poisoning have risen significantly and experts fear that there could be many more unaccounted for, particularly in cases of overdose. 'Suicides are terribly under-counted,' said Ian Rockett, author of the study, published on Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health.

Countdown to Moshiach: Worldwide Jewish Prayer at 11 am EDT

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Jews around the world will simultaneously be part of a unique worldwide Jewish Prayer for Peace and Moshiach, the Jewish term for the Savior, at 5 pm Sunday, 11 am EDT, three days before Yom Kippur. The idea for Jews to pray together at the same moment is to add power to the prayer to G-d to bring the Moshiach and peace to Jews and to all of the world, explained rabbis. The prayer in English is as follows: "Master of the Universe, we the children of Israel ask for Moshiach to redeem us now and with mercy from exile and all suffering to reveal Your name in the world and to bring peace."

Dalio Fears Social Unrest That Led to Hitler’s Rise

USA - Ray Dalio, founder and co-chief investment officer of the world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, thinks it’s likely the euro will survive; however, he does predict a “10 to 15 year managed depression” in Southern Europe. In a worst case scenario, he painted a much darker picture.

Major new drive to claw back powers from EU 'superstate'

UK/EUROPE - With a new deadline for a closer “federation of nation states” set for the middle of 2014, Government sources have confirmed that ministers will examine ways of clawing back sovereignty from the European Union in around 20 different areas. David Cameron is likely to point the way forward to further repatriation in his speech to the Conservative Party conference next month as he attempts to buy time amid calls from Tory Eurosceptics for a landmark referendum on Britain’s relationship with the EU.

Iran: Siemens placed explosives in equipment to sabotage

IRAN - Iran has accused German industrial giant Siemens of placing small explosives in equipment that forms the backbone of the country’s nuclear program.

Crisis Hits German Luxury Carmakers

GERMANY - In the first sign that the global economic crisis may be returning to the luxury car industry, Germany's Daimler has reduced its earnings forecast for next year, while Porsche said it would also build fewer cars. The market in China, which helped keep German manufacturers above water in recent years, is slowing.

Lord Rothschild in $200 Million Bet Against Euro

UK - You know the euro is in deep water when a doyen of the banking industry, Lord Jacob Rothschild takes a £130 million ($200 million) bet against it.

No one was talking about a United States of Europe? Well they are now

UK/EUROPE - Those of us old enough to remember the debate over the Maastricht Treaty in the early 1990s remember the power of the ‘F’ word - Federalism. Opponents of Maastricht insisted the treaty was a decisive step towards a federal European Superstate. Supporters employed their smoothest, most reassuring tones saying that "no-one on the continent is talking about a federal Europe."

Plan For European Military Force

GERMANY - Germany, France and nine of Europe’s most powerful countries have called for an elected European Union president and an end to Britain’s veto over defence policy, in a radical blueprint for the continent’s future. In a document released following a meeting between 11 foreign ministers in Warsaw, the bloc charted a vision for the “future of Europe”.

Christians, Muslims must give joint witness for peace, pope says

LEBANON - Pope Benedict XVI said his three-day trip to Lebanon convinced him that now is the time for Christians and Muslims to bear witness together against violence and in favor of dialogue and peace. In Lebanon, he said, Muslims “welcomed me with great respect,” and their presence at each of his public events “gave me an opportunity to launch a message of dialogue and cooperation between Christianity and Islam.”

The Most Materialistic Society In The History Of The World?

USA - When it comes to materialism, has any nation ever surpassed what we are seeing in the United States right now? We define our lives by how much stuff we have, to a large degree our personal and business relationships are defined by how much money we make, and even most of the important dates on our calendar are all about materialism.

Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Another Record

USA - Antarctic sea ice set another record this past week, with the most amount of ice ever recorded on day 256 of the calendar year (September 12 of this leap year). Please, nobody tell the mainstream media or they might have to retract some stories and admit they are misrepresenting scientific data.

US Prepares for Riots, Buys 1.2 Billion Bullets

USA - US Homeland Security is preparing for an all-out “American Spring” rebellion and has bought 1.2 billion bullets for counterterrorist snipers. An additional 200 million bullets are to be purchased, according to writer and author Paul Joseph Watson.

Homeland Security: A New Royal Guard?

USA - Some, including this writer, are increasingly concerned that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is morphing into a kind of royal guard that would be loyal only to the Administration. Originally tasked with fighting externally originated terrorism, DHS has slowly remade itself into an internal security force.

Italy’s Culture Falling to Ruins Amid Austerity Cuts

ITALY - Italy’s economy may be on the verge of collapse, but that’s not all that’s falling apart in the country. For the last several months, chunks of marble have been plummeting from the Colosseum, ancient walls have been reduced to rubble and even bits of the baroque Trevi Fountain have crumbled, changing forever the face of that illustrious monument. And that’s just in Rome.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)