Secret Files Build Case for Banning Far-Right Party

GERMANY - The question of whether to try to ban the far-right NPD party is one of the most controversial issues in German politics. Now the authorities have compiled a dossier of over a thousand pages in an attempt to prove that the NPD is anti-democratic. The file, which Spiegel has seen, provides a shocking exposé of an anti-Semitic and racist party whose members glorify the Nazis.

German Export Orders Fell Sharply in August

GERMANY - German exporters suffered their biggest drop in international orders in more than three years in August, according to a survey released on Monday. Retailers too are starting to feel the impact of the euro crisis. Europe's largest economy, it seems, is losing its immunity to Europe's debt problems.

WSJ in Scathing Editorial Justifies Israel's Mistrust of [President] Obama

USA - The largest-circulation newspaper in the United States, the Wall Street Journal, has penned a scathing editorial against the Obama Administration's handling of the crisis with Iran, saying that its attitude is pushing the Jewish state to strike Iran on its own.

Police blame loyalists for Belfast parade trouble

BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND - The police have blamed loyalists for Sunday's trouble at a nationalist parade in north Belfast. They said up to 350 loyalists were involved in rioting which left 47 officers injured. Northern Ireland Chief Constable Matt Baggott said he was seeking meetings with the Department of Justice and the Northern Ireland Policing Board following the violence. He said the community could not afford a repeat of the trouble. It has been claimed the loyalists were angry that the republican parade had no restrictions placed on it. However, Sinn Fein north Belfast MLA Gerry Kelly argued: "We are dealing with sectarian activity outside a Catholic church."

Coming: Location-Based Camera Disabling?

USA - In June of last year, we reported on an unsettling patent filed by Apple that would allow certain infrared signals to remotely disable the camera on iPhones. It showed the potential downsides of bringing cameras into the world of wireless connectivity, which appears to be the next big thing in the camera industry. Now, a newly published patent is rekindling the fears of those who don’t want “Big Brother” controlling their devices. Companies often file patents for all kinds of random technologies that never end up seeing the light of day, so you shouldn’t be too concerned about this latest document. It’s just a warning of what the future could potentially hold.

Portugal asks for EU help on forest fires

PORTUGAL - Portugal has said it is seeking European Union help to tackle raging forest fires, in one of the worst summers for such blazes in years. Dozens of fires are raging in the centre and north of the country and 1,700 firefighters have been deployed. Officials say one man died while trying to protect his farm from one of the largest blazes, at Ourem. Portugal is asking for four water-dumping aircraft, after a helicopter being used in the operations crashed. The country has been suffering from a heatwave, adding to a prolonged drought, which has created ideal wildfire conditions.

US rattles saber against Iran in attempt to stall Israeli strike

USA - The US announced it will take further indirect action against Iran in an effort to delay a possible Israeli strike against the country. Washington’s plans to halt Iran’s embattled nuclear program include military exercises in the Persian Gulf.

Showdowns that will define Europe's futureComment

EUROPE - The eurozone crisis has unleashed some seriously unpredictable political forces. EU leaders may have to choose between maintaining the euro and maintaining national democracy as we know it. In either case, we have no idea how voters – in the North and South alike – will respond.

Weather holds the key to the world's food price volatility

LONDON, UK - The el Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), as it officially called, is expected to start later this year. This involves a warming of the oceans in the Pacific that sets off a chain of events that can cause droughts in Australia and floods in South America.

US Tells Iran: We Won't Join Israeli Attack

USA - Senior officials in the Obama Administration sent a message to Tehran in the past few days, according to which the US does not intend to join Israel's side if it decides to attack the Iranian nuclear installations on its own, reports Israel's second-largest paper, Yediot Aharonot.

[Mr] Netanyahu urges international "red lines" to stop Iran

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged world powers on Sunday to set a "clear red line" for Tehran's atomic programme that would convince Iran they were determined to prevent it from obtaining nuclear arms.

‘Virtually Untreatable’ Tuberculosis Threat Rising

UNITED NATIONS - Almost half of tuberculosis patients who received prior treatment were resistant to a second-line drug, suggesting the deadly disease may become “virtually untreatable,” according to a new study.

Vatican launches criminal probe into unauthorised leaks

VATICAN - The Vatican has opened a rare criminal investigation into unauthorised leaks to the Italian media of confidential documents, its official paper reports. The leaks describe alleged corruption, mismanagement, and internal conflicts among top officials.

Cardinal Carlo Martini says Church '200 years behind'

VATICAN - Italian Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini has described the Roman Catholic Church as being "200 years behind" the times. The cardinal died on Friday, aged 85. Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera has published his last interview, recorded in August, in which Cardinal Martini says: "The Church is tired... our prayer rooms are empty."

Software Meant to Fight Crime Is Used to Spy on Dissidents

USA - Morgan Marquis-Boire works as a Google engineer and Bill Marczak is earning a Doctorate in computer science. But this summer, the two men have been moonlighting as detectives, chasing an elusive surveillance tool from Bahrain across five continents.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)