The Fed Audit

USA - Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit and lied to Congress about the effects an audit would have on markets. Nevertheless, the results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve's nearly 100 year history were posted on Senator Sander's webpage earlier this morning (September 1st).

Drought and SuperBugs Devastate US Corn Crop

USA - In yet another instance of "unintended consequences," a recent study has determined that this year’s drought damage to corn crops is even worse because of Bt corn, and failure to rotate crops.

I Know Fear. Europe has Returned to Pre WWII

ISRAEL - The writer is a staunchly pro-Israel non-Jew, who tells us. "One day I reached my office, the stairs had been vandalized with red paint and the words “Free Palestine”. I know fear"

Niger: 400,000 people affected by floods

NIAMEY, NIGER - Up to 400,000 people have fallen victim to the recent floods caused by heavy rains in Niger, according to the latest official report. A previous report showed that more than 15,000 houses had been destroyed and about 50 people killed in the floods, which also ruined hundreds of hectares of rice fields in the land-locked West African country.

Infringing national sovereignty could lead to nuclear apocalypse – Medvedev

RUSSIA - Diminishing the principle of state sovereignty is fraught with the destruction of the world order and a full-scale war, even with the use of nuclear weapons, warns Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He specifically stressed that United Nations, although not perfect, is the only tool in the settlement of conflicts for the international community. “We have no other platform, even though some may not like it. It is the UN Charter that calls for respecting the supremacy of law and sovereignty of states,” Medvedev pointed out. He went on to say that hasty military operations usually end up with radicals coming to power.

Putin orders defense industry modernization

RUSSIA - Russian President has ordered top state officials to create the conditions for breakthroughs in the defense industry similar to those achieved by the Soviet Union in the 1930s. Speaking at a session of the Security Council – Russia’s top body for coordination of efforts of various state structures – Putin said that the country needs to renew its industrial assets and achieve a major modernization of the entire arms industry. Over the past 30 years, the Russian defense industry has missed several opportunities for modernization, Putin said: “Now we have to catch up.”

Chinese defense minister's India visit - one step closer to friendship?

CHINA - The Chinese Defense Minister has arrived in Mumbai, marking the highest-level defense visit to India in eight years. Relations between the two neighbors have traditionally been tense, but have seen a thaw in recent months. While relations between the two countries have been sour in the past, the latest high-level contacts, along with joint military drills, have indicated that the world's two fastest-growing economies may well be on their way to becoming allies. “With China itself requesting the visit, it's a significant step towards repairing the cracks in bilateral defense ties,” an Indian official told the Times of India.

Bitter Jerusalem slams USComment

ISRAEL - Israel responded bitterly on Friday to comments by the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, who said on Thursday that he did not want “to be complicit” if Israel were to strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Iran to hold massive air defense drill in October

IRAN - Iran will hold a massive air defense drill in October incorporating aerial and ground forces, Iranian air defense commander Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili announced on Saturday.

PM tells US 'time has run out' on Iran diplomacy

ISRAEL - Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu got into a diplomatic shouting match with US Ambassador Dan Shapiro over US President Barack Obama's handling of Iran's nuclear program, saying "time has run out" for diplomacy, Yediot Aharonot cited a source as saying on Friday.

US Scales-Back Military Exercise with Israel

USA/ISRAEL - A smaller US contingent may make it more difficult for the Israeli government to launch a pre-emptive strike on Tehran's nuclear program. Seven months ago, Israel and the United States postponed a massive joint military exercise that was originally set to go forward just as concerns were brimming that Israel would launch a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Merkel urges Israel not to strike Iran

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - German Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to order a military strike against Iranian nuclear sites, the newspaper Haaretz reported on Friday. The article, citing an Israeli official on condition of anonymity, said [Mrs] Merkel had called [Mr] Netanyahu 10 days ago amid a wave of reports of an imminent Israeli attack, to give a "clear message as to her opposition" to such action. [Mrs] Merkel urged [Mr] Netanyahu to "give more time for sanctions and diplomacy to work," and warned of the consequences of such an attack for security in the Middle East.

Israel will be gone by next year

EGYPT - An Egyptian political science professor told an Iranian TV station that, with Allah’s help, “Israel will be annihilated” by 2013. In an interview with Iran’s state-run Arabic news channel Al-Alam last week, Professor Gamal Zahran, head of the political science department at Egypt’s Port Said University and a former Independent MP, said: “Jerusalem is at the heart of the Palestinian cause, and the Palestinian cause is the cause of all Arabs and Muslims. The elimination of the Zionist entity is beyond debate, and the only question has to do with the circumstances.”

Al-Qaeda’s ‘suicide bombers wanted’ ad

MIDDLE EAST - Apparently low on bombers, al-Qaeda is running a employment advertisement on its Shumukh al-Islam Internet forum. Under the heading “Area of activity: The planet Earth,” the ad seeks jihadists to carry out suicide attacks. Applicants must be Muslim, mentally mature, dedicated, able to listen, and utterly committed to completing their mission, the Hebrew daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Tuesday. Several email addresses are provided for applicants. While their real names are not required, candidates are asked to send details of their nickname or handle, their age, marital status, languages spoken and a list of passports in their possession.

Israelis prepare amid fear of Iran war

ISRAEL - Amid media speculation that Israel may carry out a strike on Iran’s nuclear sites and possibly prompt a regional war, the number of Israelis collecting state-funded gas masks has quadrupled from 17,000 in April to 70,000 in July, according to the military. As speculation in Israel persists about a possible air strike on Iran’s nuclear sites, Israeli citizens – who polls show do not support an attack unless it is backed by the US, the country’s staunchest ally – are getting prepared. Israel regards the Iranian nuclear programme as an existential threat and has said repeatedly that it will not permit the development of an Iranian nuclear bomb.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)