Burma - Up to 1 Million could Die.
timesonline.co.uk - 12/05/2008

BURMA - Relief deliveries into cyclone-hit Burma increased today but aid groups said supplies fell far short of the enormous need and that foreign experts were still barred from the country.

Tornado wrecks central US towns
BBC - 11/05/2008

USA - Tornadoes and severe storms have swept across the central part of the United States, causing destruction and killing at least 18 people.

The Biggest Story of the 20th Century never made Headline News
visionforum.com - 11/05/2008

USA - Somehow we missed it. It was THE MASS EXODUS OF WOMEN FROM THE HOME, and the consequent decline of motherhood. For the first time in recorded history of the West, MORE MOTHERS LEFT THEIR HOMES THAN STAYED IN THEM.

Is It Time to Invade Burma?
time.com - 11/05/2008

BURMA - The disaster in Burma presents the world with perhaps its most serious humanitarian crisis since the 2004 Asian tsunami. By most reliable estimates, close to 100,000 people are dead.

Last gasp for Olmert's political career?
iht.com - 11/05/2008

JERUSALEM - The overwhelming view in Israel on Friday, just hours after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared his innocence in a bribery investigation involving a Long Island businessman, was that the post-Olmert political era had already begun

China's Religious Character May Be Deeper Than Thought
reuters.com - 11/05/2008

CHINA - The light being cast on China by the coming Summer Games is far brighter than the flickering Olympic flame now wending its way across that vast country. Politics, society, human rights, the status of Tibet and even the environment have been widely discussed.

High Food Prices - are Biofuels the Problem?
europaportalen.se - 11/05/2008

EUROPE - EU Farm Commissioner: "I'm really happy that prices are going up" - biofuels nothing to do with higher food prices.

Pro-Lisbon camp are using threats to scare Irish people into voting 'yes'
Economist /European Voice /AFP - 11/05/2008

DUBLIN - The Economist argues that Irish voters are being threatened with 'pariah' status and being left isolated and 'whistling in the dark' in Europe if they vote 'no'.

U.N. Suspends Aid Shipments to Myanmar
AP - 11/05/2008

YANGON, MYANMAR - (BURMA) - The U.N. is suspending aid shipments to Myanmar after the government began seizing the supplies.

Oil-Rich States Starve the World Food Program
foxnews.com - 11/05/2008

UNITED NATIONS - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his top lieutenants on Monday are convening the first meeting of the U.N.'s Task Force on the Global Food Crisis.

Steinmeier calls for European army
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/Deutsche Welle - 11/05/2008

BERLIN - German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and other leading politicians at an SPD conference on security issues earlier this week, called for the establishment of a "European armed force", saying that he is in favour of speeding up such a development.

Tanks rejoin Moscow V-Day parade
BBC - 09/05/2008

MOSCOW - Russian tanks and intercontinental missile launchers have been paraded through Moscow for the first time since the collapse of the USSR.

Burma shuns foreign aid workers
BBC - 09/05/2008

BURMA - Burma's military junta says the country is not ready to accept foreign aid workers, amid mounting criticism of its response to the devastating cyclone.

Citigroup poised to offload $400bn of assets
business.timesonline.co.uk - 09/05/2008

USA - Citigroup is set to unveil plans to dispose of $400 billion (£205 billion) of assets at a meeting with shareholders and analysts today.

British Airways takes beef off the menu to avoid offending Hindus
dailymail.co.uk - 09/05/2008

LONDON - For decades the national dish has been a staple meal on the national carrier. But now British Airways has taken beef off the menu for economy passengers amid concerns about its "religious restrictions".

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)