South Asia hit by food shortages
BBC - 09/01/2008

People across South Asia are struggling to cope with a severe shortage of affordable wheat and rice. There have been queues outside Pakistani shops in towns around the country, and flour prices have shot up.

Bush in Israel to Push for Peace - 09/01/2008

JERUSALEM - President Bush sought a new footing on Wednesday to pull Israel and the Palestinians toward serious negotiations that would crown his final year as president, as revived peace talks stumbled over land squabbles and fear of violence.

Europe this week
As indicated - 09/01/2008

A roundup of events in Europe this week.

Flight to gold as investors lose faith in money - 09/01/2008

The last time gold touched $850 an ounce, the world was visibly spiralling out of control.

New Sunspot Is Harbinger Of New Solar Cycle - 09/01/2008

A new 11-year cycle of heightened solar activity, bringing with it increased risks for power grids, critical military, civilian and airline communications, GPS signals and even cell phones and ATM transactions, showed signs it was on its way late yesterday when the cycle's first sunspot appeared in the sun's Northern Hemisphere, NOAA scientists said.

Gold is the new global currency - 09/01/2008

There was a time when gold was money. In today's uncertain world, the yellow metal is back in fashion.

Australians battle fires and floods
Associated Press - 08/01/2008

Australians battled both fires and some of the worst flooding in decades yesterday that stranded residents in several communities after days of intense summer heat and storms.

Revealed: a new bank rip-off - 08/01/2008

Some of Britain's biggest banks have unscrupulously exploited last month's base rate cut by failing to pass on the benefits to mortgage holders, yet at the same time imposing even bigger cuts on interest accruing to savings accounts.

Is China the sleeping giant of biotech
AFP - 08/01/2008

China's biotech sector accounts for just a sliver of its pharmaceutical industry and operates under the cloud of a massive review of licenses issued under a regulator executed last year for accepting bribes.

US recession is already here, warns Merrill - 08/01/2008

The US has entered its first full-blown economic recession in 16 years, according to investment bank Merrill Lynch.

Fury over new gay hate laws which 'threaten free speech' - 08/01/2008

In the UK, a coalition of MPs is hoping to halt a gay hate law which will stop Christians pronouncing their beliefs about marriage and family life.

Are spin doctors taking over the world? - 08/01/2008

Gordon Brown has recruited a leading financial spin doctor to become his new "principal" adviser, the latest high profile advancement of a PR expert into the public sphere.

Bank could tighten money market rules - 08/01/2008

The Bank of England has given its clearest indication yet that it is preparing the ground for the end of the credit market turmoil by pledging to tighten up its rules on how banks manage their money market operations.

Lord Carey backs MPs over blasphemy laws - 08/01/2008

Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, is backing a new cross-party attempt by MPs to abolish Britain's blasphemy laws, The Daily Telegraph can reveal.

Floods hit southern Africa - 08/01/2008

LUSAKA - Zambia said 1.5 million people would be displaced by floods and aid agencies warned the lives of tens of thousands were in danger on Monday as rising waters inundated southern Africa.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)