Migrants challenge rule changes
BBC - 05/03/2008

UK - The government's decision to change the rules for highly skilled immigrants is facing a challenge in the High Court.

Japan Looks to a Robot Future
time.com - 04/03/2008

Robots are already taken for granted in Japanese factories, so much so that they are sometimes welcomed on their first day at work with Shinto religious ceremonies. Robots make sushi. Robots plant rice and tend paddies.

Final bid to force referendum on Europe
independent.co.uk - 04/03/2008

UK - A final attempt by MPs to force a referendum on Europe will be made tomorrow when the Bill implementing the Lisbon Treaty reaches its crucial stage in the Commons.

China announces rise in military spending
AP - 04/03/2008

BEIJING - China's government announced Tuesday it will increase defense spending by 17.6 percent in 2008, marking the 20th straight year of double- digit growth in its military budget.

How Bad Will the Mortgage Crisis Get?
time.com - 04/03/2008

The credit markets are seizing up and the uncertainty recently drove up short-term interest rates for municipalities and some rock-solid institutions such as New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art to 20%. And now even so-called prime borrowers are being sucked into defaults on their mortgages.

Let Them Eat Cake? Who Can Afford Cake?
time.com - 04/03/2008

The turmoil in the world economy is hitting the French where it hurts this epicurean nation hardest - on their dinner tables.

44,000 Sign Up for Vioxx Settlement
time.com - 04/03/2008

NEW ORLEANS - More than 44,000 people have signed up for shares of a $4.85 billion settlement over the withdrawn painkiller Vioxx, a sign that the deal is on track to go forward, Merck & Co. announced Monday.

International Sex Workers' Rights Day
reuters.com - 04/03/2008

Sex workers and their supporters protested in front of City Hall in celebration of International Sex Workers' Rights Day in San Francisco, March 3, 2008.

Palestinians: Drones Are Deadly
time.com - 04/03/2008

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Palestinians say they know when an Israeli drone is in the air: Cell phones stop working, TV reception falters and they can hear a distant buzzing. They also know what's likely to come next - a devastating explosion on the ground.

Neighbours cut ties with Colombia
BBC - 04/03/2008

Ecuador has cut diplomatic ties with Colombia in a deepening crisis over a cross-border raid by Colombian troops.

British 'studied' Hitler's stars
BBC - 04/03/2008

British intelligence chiefs tried to guess Hitler's plans by studying his horoscope, according to files released by the National Archives.

Israel warns of full-scale invasion as it quits Gaza leaving 114 dead
dailymail.co.uk - 03/03/2008

Israel pulled its ground troops out of northern Gaza today after an offensive against Palestinian rocket salvos that has left more than 100 people dead. But despite ordering soldiers out of the rogue territory, run by Islamist terror group Hamas, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert vowed to continue its deadly bombing raids.

Vatican, Muslims prepare historic meeting with Pope
Reuters - 03/03/2008

VATICAN CITY - Muslim representatives and Vatican officials begin talks this week that they hope will lead to an unprecedented Catholic-Islamic meeting.

Oil Jumps to New Record on Dollar's Fall
AP - 03/03/2008

NEW YORK - The surging price of oil reached another milestone Monday, jumping to an inflation adjusted record high of $103.95.

Western States Consider New Dams
time.com - 03/03/2008

SPOKANE, Wash. - The Western states' booming population and growing fears about climate change have governments studying construction of new dams to capture more winter rain and spring snowmelt for use in dry summer months.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)