10,000 jet into Bali for global warming conference

Never before have so many people converged to try to save the planet from global warming, with more than 10,000 jetting into this Indonesian resort island, from government ministers to Nobel laureates to drought-stricken farmers.

Map that named America is a puzzle for researchers
reuters.com - 05/12/2007

The only surviving copy of the 500-year-old map that first used the name America goes on permanent display this month at the Library of Congress, but even as it prepares for its debut, the 1507 Waldseemuller map remains a puzzle for researchers.

U.S. nuke study on Iran erodes oil market risk
reuters.com - 05/12/2007

A U.S. intelligence report showing that Tehran halted its atomic weapons program four years ago reduces the chance of a U.S. military confrontation with Iran and could erode the geopolitical risk premium on crude oil prices, analysts said on Tuesday

GP surgery abortions considered
BBC - 05/12/2007

Trials are under way to test whether early abortions could be carried out safely in doctor's surgeries in England, the government has confirmed.

Bush announces Middle East visit
BBC - 05/12/2007

US President George W Bush will visit the Middle East in January, the White House has said.

Nuclear report a victory - Iran
BBC - 05/12/2007

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that a US report on Tehran's nuclear programme is a "great victory".

The Golden Menora
templeinstitute.org - 04/12/2007

In the spirit of the Maccabees who purified the Holy Temple and rekindled the golden menora, the golden menora which today stands in the Cardo, is moving this week closer to its intended destination - the Sanctuary of the Holy Temple itself - may it be rebuilt soon in our days.

Temple Institute Announces: High Priest's Crown is Ready
IsraelNN.com - 04/12/2007

The Temple Institute in Jerusalem announces the completion of the Tzitz, the High Priest's headplate - now ready for use in the Holy Temple.

God Save the Queen 'is due for a rewrite'
dailymail.co.uk - 04/12/2007

The National Anthem is insufficiently inclusive and should be rewritten, the lawyer leading Labour's review of Britishness has said.

The Teddy Bear Tumult's Legacy
time.com - 04/12/2007

The charges against Gibbons and her famous bear were incidental to a larger struggle playing out in Sudan - the manipulation of Islam in the pursuit of personal and political power.

CAIR called 'turnstile' for terrorist suspects
WorldNetDaily.com - 04/12/2007

As the Council on American-Islamic Relations lobbies Congress to help strike its name from a list of co-conspirators in a federal terror case, WND has learned the Muslim group's ties to terrorism and extremism are far more extensive than first believed.

US Democrats want rethink on Iran
BBC - 04/12/2007

The Democrats in the United States have called for a rethink of policy on Iran.

Key climate summit opens in Bali
BBC - 04/12/2007

Governments at a key UN climate summit will discuss how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions after the current Kyoto Protocol targets expire in 2012.

Red faces in Sudan over teddy row
BBC - 04/12/2007

Just over a week ago it was hard to imagine how the international reputation of the Sudanese government could sink any lower.

THE FINANCIAL TSUNAMI - Deutsche Bank's Painful Lesson
financialsense.com by F. William Engdahl - 03/12/2007

Deutsche Bank got a hard shock a few days ago when a judge in the state of Ohio in the USA made a ruling that the bank had no legal right to foreclose on 14 homes whose owners had failed to keep current in their monthly mortgage payments.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)