176 States Have Envoys to Holy See
zenit.org - 07/01/2008

VATICAN CITY - The Holy See seeks to promote a sense of common belonging to the human family through the diplomatic relations it maintains with 176 countries, Benedict XVI says.

Pentagon Says Ships Harassed by Iran
AP - 07/01/2008

WASHINGTON - Iranian boats harassed and provoked three American Navy ships in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, threatening to explode the vessels, U.S. officials said Monday.

Pakistan says won't let foreign troops on its soil
reuters.com - 07/01/2008

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan will not allow any country to conduct military operations on its territory, officials said on Monday, rejecting a report that said the United States was considering authorizing its forces to act in Pakistan.

Stealth ads set to become legal in UK
ft.com - 07/01/2008

Product placement - in which items with visible brand names are integrated into television programmes - looks set to become legal on British screens within 18 months.

The Secret Life of Trees
time.com - 07/01/2008

Think of carbon dioxide, the main gas that causes global warming, and you'll likely picture a polluting factory in China; neon lights in Tokyo, an SUV sitting in traffic on the freeways of Santa Monica.

Australia floods strand thousands
BBC - 07/01/2008

Thousands of people remain stranded by some of the worst flooding eastern Australia has seen in 20 years.

Atheist buses denying God's existence take to streets
telegraph.co.uk - 07/01/2008

UK - Atheist adverts declaring that "there's probably no God" have been placed on 800 buses around Britain after an unprecedented fundraising campaign.

Yesha Rabbis Call For Temple Mount Prayers
Arutz 7 - 06/01/2008

The Yesha Rabbis Council has announced a series of protests to coincide with the visit of US President George W. Bush to Israel from January 9-11.

Warning: Vacate room when CFL bulb breaks
WorldNetDaily.com - 06/01/2008

Less than a month after the U.S. Congress passed an energy bill banning the incandescent light bulb by 2014, the UK Environment Agency issued guidelines calling for evacuation of any room where an energy-saving compact fluorescent light bulb is broken, releasing toxic mercury.

UK living standards outstrip US
timesonline.co.uk - 06/01/2008

LIVING standards in Britain are set to rise above those in America for the first time since the 19th century, according to a report by the respected Oxford Economics consultancy.

'We Will Be Waiting For You'
abcnews.go.com - 06/01/2008

American Al Qaeda leader Adam Gadahn told his followers to welcome Bush "with bombs and traps" upon his upcoming visit to the Middle East this week.

Jerusalem Readies for Bush's Arrival
AP - 06/01/2008

JERUSALEM - With hundreds of hotel rooms booked and municipal crews unfolding red, white and blue flags, Jerusalem is getting ready for its highest- profile visitor in years: President Bush.

Bishop warns of 'Islamic areas'
BBC - 06/01/2008

Islamic extremism has turned some communities into no-go areas for people of a different faith or race, a Church of England bishop has said.

Jesuits to Elect a New 'Black Pope'
time.com - 06/01/2008

All the incense and intrigue of another papal conclave is upon us again.

Taj Mahal Not Accepting US Dollar
time.com - 06/01/2008

(NEW DELHI) - In yet another troubling sign for the greenback, at least one of the seven wonders of the world is now off limits if you have only U.S. currency in your pocket.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)