Corps could limit discharges from Georgia lake amid drought worries - 18/10/2007

The Army Corps of Engineers sidestepped the governor's demand to stop draining reservoirs Wednesday, setting up a legal showdown between the federal government and state officials who blame the policy for intensifying a record drought.

North Korea on brink of famine - 18/10/2007

Destitute North Korea will likely be pushed into famine due to devastating floods this year that wiped out crops and ruined farm land, a South Korean state-run think-tank said on Thursday.

Germans look anew at Nazi taboos - 18/10/2007

Was it all bad? A row over a television host's praise for Hitler's family values has exposed deep divisions in Germany over whether it is acceptable to say anything positive about the Nazis, 62 years after the end of World War Two.

Dollar plunges to fresh Euro low
BBC - 18/10/2007

The US dollar has been dragged down to a new low against the euro after the latest piece of US economic data.

EU leaders hold key treaty talks
BBC - 18/10/2007

EU leaders are beginning talks in Lisbon to try to agree on a landmark treaty to reform the 27-member bloc.

Austria holds first divorce fair
BBC - 18/10/2007

Austria is to host the world's first "divorce fair" this month, aimed at helping couples untie the knot as painlessly as possible.

IMF says dollar 'overvalued' - 18/10/2007

Currency traders were given a green light to continue selling the US dollar on Wednesday, as the International Monetary Fund said the greenback "remains overvalued" and rejected claims the euro had risen too far.

Britain facing massive house price crash, warns IMF - 18/10/2007

The world's leading economic forecaster said this afternoon that British house prices are hugely overvalued and face a spectacular crash.

Bush warns of World War III - 18/10/2007

US President George W. Bush said Wednesday that he had warned world leaders they must prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons "if you're interested in avoiding World War III."

Mandelson warning on China trade
BBC - 18/10/2007

The EU's trade relationship with China is "deeply unequal", its trade commissioner Peter Mandelson has said.

Oil Hits New Record
AP - 18/10/2007

Oil prices surged to a new record of $89 a barrel Wednesday after Turkey's parliament authorized an incursion into northern Iraq in search of Kurdish rebels.


Imagine owning a company where consumers have no choice but to buy the firm's product. Consumers have no choice but to buy food.

Japan and China lead flight from the dollar - 17/10/2007

Japan and China led a record withdrawl of foreign funds from the United States in August, heightening fears of a fresh slide in the dollar and a spike in US bond yields.

Sir Christopher Ondaatje: WORLD ECONOMY TO COLLAPSE - 17/10/2007

Adventurer, author and businessman Sir Christopher Ondaatje tells Elizabeth Grice why he feels compelled to warn the world of imminent economic meltdown

Syria: Israel targeted nuclear facility - 17/10/2007

In its first admission by a state official, Syria's ambassador to the UN confirmed that an air raid carried out by Israeli fighter jets deep in Syrian territory on September 6 was, indeed, an attack on a Syrian nuclear facility, Israel Radio reported Wednesday morning.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)