Drug-Resistant Staph Germ's High Toll
washingtonpost.com - 17/10/2007

A dangerous germ that has been spreading around the country causes more life-threatening infections than public health authorities had thought and is killing more people in the United States each year than the AIDS virus, federal health officials reported yesterday.

Oil Price - New Record
AP - 17/10/2007

Oil futures rallied to a new record over $88 a barrel Tuesday on concerns about disruptions to Middle Eastern crude supplies and a growing view that domestic supplies aren't sufficient to meet fourth-quarter demand.

Northern Rock chiefs blame media for crisis
news.scotsman.com - 17/10/2007

THE chief executive and chairman of Northern Rock yesterday appeared to blame media coverage of their bank's dire finances for the extraordinary run on its accounts that nearly sank the company last month.

Nets boost Africa's malaria fight
BBC - 17/10/2007

Distribution of mosquito nets, widely regarded as the most effective prevention against malaria, has grown substantially across the region.

Turkey seeks green light on Iraq
BBC - 17/10/2007

MPs in Turkey are due to debate a motion authorising cross-border military operations into northern Iraq to target Kurdish rebel bases there.

Migration 'causes pressure in UK'
BBC - 17/10/2007

Almost every UK region has difficulties in housing, health, education and crime because of increased migration, according to an official report.

Obesity 'not individuals' fault'
BBC - 17/10/2007

Individuals can no longer be held responsible for obesity so government must act to stop Britain "sleepwalking" into a crisis, a report has concluded.

Putin Warns US Against Attacking Iran
AP - 17/10/2007

Russian leader Vladimir Putin met his Iranian counterpart Tuesday and implicitly warned the U.S. not to use a former Soviet republic to stage an attack on Iran.

Alert on Indonesian volcano raised to maximum
reuters.com - 16/10/2007

Indonesia raised on Tuesday the alert level for Mount Kelud volcano to the highest level, as residents started fleeing amid signs an eruption could be imminent, officials and a witness said.

Canadian move pushes Anglicans closer to schism
reuters.com - 16/10/2007

Faced with a bid from Canadian clerics to bless gay weddings, the worldwide Anglican Communion now faces a real risk of breaking apart over differences between its liberal and conservative wings.

China "furious" at Dalai Lama's U.S. award
reuters.com - 16/10/2007

China expressed fury on Tuesday that the United States is to honor the Dalai Lama with an award and warned that the activities of his supporters were increasing in Chinese-controlled Tibet.

Oil reaches new records above $87
BBC - 16/10/2007

Oil prices have hit record levels above $87 a barrel amid tensions between Turkey and Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq and output concerns.

Are the United States and Turkey on a collision course?
jpost.com - 16/10/2007

Turkish-American relations face two significant challenges. Both challenges touch on very sensitive issues for the Turks, who are convinced that the US is insufficiently attentive to their needs and demands.

Russia's Putin emerges from Iran plot 'like a hero'
reuters.com - 16/10/2007

Commentators were both amused and intrigued at the heroic light thrown on Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday when he defied what he said were security service warnings of a plot to kill him in Iran.

Pope John Paul II waving from beyond the grave?
dailymail.co.uk By NICK PISA - 16/10/2007

The image that appeared in the bonfire is being hailed as Pope John Paul II making an appearance from beyond the grave.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)