High Court Asked to Halt Muslim Dig on Temple Mount
templeinstitute.org - 10/09/2007

Members of the Committee to Prevent the Destruction of Temple Mount Antiquities petitioned the High Court of Justice yesterday to stop an excavation by the Waqf, or Muslim religious trust, on the Temple Mount.

Sunday Mass Is a Necessity, Says Pontiff
zenit.org - 10/09/2007

Going to Sunday Mass is not just a rule to follow, but rather an "inner necessity," says Benedict XVI.

Asian stock markets fall on US fears
telegraph.co.uk - 10/09/2007

Stock markets in Asia fell heavily on Monday as traders and investors faced up to the prospect that US economic growth is likely to slow in the second half of the year.

EU wants to get rid of the Queen from our passports
dailymail.co.uk - 10/09/2007

Mention of the Queen could be removed from British passports and replaced by a page explaining why all EU citizens are entitled to use our embassies abroad, it emerged yesterday.

Worst crisis for 20 years, say banks
business.timesonline.co.uk - 10/09/2007

LEADING bankers are warning of the worst crisis in the money markets for 20 years, which will come to a head this week when $113 billion (£57 billion) of commercial paper - market IOUs - comes up for refinancing.

Countrywide to axe 12,000 workers
ft.com - 10/09/2007

Countrywide Financial, THE BIGGEST HOME LENDER IN THE US, on Friday night announced plans for up to 12,000 job cuts, or one-fifth of its workforce, in the next three months as it forecast a slump in mortgage volumes next year.

Police say they've busted Israeli neo-Nazi ring
AP - 10/09/2007

JERUSALEM - In a case that would seem unthinkable in the Jewish state, police on Sunday said they've cracked a cell of young Israeli neo-Nazis accused in a string of attacks on foreign workers, religious Jews, drug addicts and gays.

Ancient tunnel discovered in Jerusalem
jpost.com - 10/09/2007

Israeli archeologists on Sunday said they've stumbled upon the site of one of the great dramatic scenes of the Roman sacking of Jerusalem 2,000 years ago: the subterranean drainage channel Jews used to escape from the city's Roman conquerors.

Pope says abortion "not a human right"
reuters.com - 10/09/2007

VIENNA (Reuters) - On Friday, Pope Benedict rejected the concept that abortion could be considered a human right and urged European leaders to do everything possible to raise birth rates and make their countries more child-friendly.

Pope demands respect for Sundays
news.bbc.co.uk - 10/09/2007

Pope Benedict XVI has appealed for renewed respect for Sundays as he celebrated Mass at St Stephen's cathedral in the heart of Vienna.

'We have broken speed of light'
telegraph.co.uk - 09/09/2007

A pair of German physicists claim to have broken the speed of light - an achievement that would undermine our entire understanding of space and time.

Physicists have 'solved' mystery of levitation
telegraph.co.uk - 09/09/2007

Levitation has been elevated from being pure science fiction to science fact, according to a study reported today by physicists.

Banks face 10-day debt timebomb
telegraph.co.uk - 09/09/2007

Britain's biggest banks could be forced to cough up as much as £70bn over the next 10 days, as the credit crisis that has seized the global financial system sparks a fresh wave of chaos.

Hong Kong tycoon eyes £1.5bn Norweb
telegraph.co.uk - 09/09/2007

Asia's richest man is lining up a £1.5bn bid for the former Norweb electricity distribution business, now owned by United Utilities.

Huawei? Who are they? Meet the coy colossus of China
independent.co.uk - 09/09/2007

Andrew Murray-Watson reports from Shenzhen on the telecoms giant that wins contracts round the world but keeps quiet about itself

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)