Al Gore Wrong Again - 18/11/2007

ON OCTOBER 14, 1997, Vice President Al Gore said, "For those who argue that global warming is already changing the world's climate, this year's El Nino weather front is more than enough evidence".

Scientists harvest fish oil crop
BBC By Helen Briggs - 18/11/2007

Plants genetically engineered to make fish oils offer a new approach to improving diet, say UK scientists.

EU retreats to protectionism on trade with China
Open Europe Press Summary - 16/11/2007

The European Commission has decided to postpone plans to remove tariffs on Chinese-made products in an effort to alleviate fears of job losses in Europe, reports the IHT.

Commission threatens Africa with tariff rises
Guardian - 16/11/2007

Kenya yesterday accused the EU of "arm-twisting" African, Caribbean and Pacific nations into agreeing to new trade deals - ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTS (EPAs) - before an end of December deadline.

Gardasil - adverse vaccination reactions update. - 16/11/2007

Judicial Watch is a public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption in America.

Increased costs and carbon emissions
Wall Street Journal/BBC - 16/11/2007

A leader in the Wall Street Journal criticises EU leaders' decision to sign the revived EU Constitution in Lisbon before flying straight to Brussels for another summit.

Searching for a Pakistan Strategy - 16/11/2007

A little over a year ago President George W. Bush leaned across his podium at a White House press conference and told Pervez Musharraf he was "a strong defender of freedom and the people of Pakistan." Now he's sending the Pakistani President quite a different message.

Decision time for US over Iran threat - 16/11/2007

UN nuclear report heightens tension. Iran has installed 3,000 centrifuges for enriching uranium - enough to begin industrial-scale production of nuclear fuel and build a warhead within a year, the UN's nuclear watchdog reported last night.

Virulent form of cold virus worries experts - 16/11/2007

WASHINGTON - A new and virulent strain of adenovirus, which frequently causes the common cold, killed 10 people in parts of the United States earlier this year and put dozens into hospitals, U.S. health officials said on Thursday.

Bangladesh cyclone toll at 328 - 16/11/2007

DHAKA - A severe cyclone killed at least 328 people in Bangladesh, triggering a 15-foot (5-metre) high tidal surge that devastated three coastal towns and forced the evacuation of nearly one million people, officials said on Friday.

Holy Land Is Everyone's Home, Says Official - 15/11/2007

The Holy Land belongs to everyone, and is like a family home that all need to collaborate in maintaining, said the prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches.

BA criticised over 'misleading' fuel surcharges - 15/11/2007

British Airways (BA) has been slammed today for "misleading" its customers over climbing fuel surcharges that from today will add £116 to the price of a return long-haul flight.

Gordon Brown reveals 'Fortress Britain' plan - 15/11/2007

Train passengers face routine airline-style bag checks and body searches as part of a new counter-terror crackdown announced by Gordon Brown.

Terror crackdown - 15/11/2007

Travellers face price hikes and confusion after the Government unveiled plans to take up to 53 pieces of information from anyone entering or leaving Britain.

Quake leaves thousands homeless - 15/11/2007

Chile's government prepares to send emergency aid after the huge tremor wrecks homes and infrastructure.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)