Muslim plans to broadcast a loudspeaker call to prayer from a Oxford city centre mosque have been attacked by local residents who say it would turn the area into a "Muslim ghetto".
Dozens of people packed out a council meeting to express their concerns over the plans for a two-minute long call to prayer to be issued three times a day, saying that it could drown out the traditional sound of church bells. But a spokesman for the Central Mosque said that Muslim's also have the right to summon worshippers.
After the meeting, Sardar Rana, a spokesman for the Central Mosque, said he would be happy to clarify any issues and invited anyone to come to the mosque so he could satisfy their concerns. He said: "The call is going on in so many places in the UK, and we must get the same right as everybody else. When they ring the bells in church, we respect it but that is also a call to prayer. We don't want to do anything that will disturb the people or upset the people."
JERUSALEM - Rabbinic leaders and Temple Mount activist groups here today demanded the Israeli government allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount - Judaism's holiest site.
Israeli restrictions forbid Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount and only allow Jews to ascend for certain hours on some days while the Mount is open to Muslims yearlong. Muslim prayer services take place throughout the day in the many mosques and Islamic religious schools situated on the holy site.
"WE DEMAND THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL ALLOW THE JEWISH PEOPLE TO HAVE FREEDOM OF RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION ON THE TEMPLE MOUNT. This will serve as a preliminary step in confirming the Jewish people's inexorable connection with the Temple Mount, location of the Holy Temple, under the sovereignty of the people of Israel," states a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert signed by the leaders of the New Jewish Congress, the Sanhedrin and the Holy Temple and Temple Mount movements.
The Congress is a group of religious Zionist leaders here while the Sanhedrin consists of prominent rabbinic leaders who in 2004 reformed the ancient group of Jewish judges that previously constituted the legislative body of Israel. The reformed Sanhedrin has been a subject of debate within some Jewish communities. The rabbinic leaders and activists demanded the Israeli government move toward allowing non-Muslim worship by initially establishing special days for Jewish communal prayer in fixed locations on the Temple Mount.
Last Wednesday, (19th Dec) Jews commemorated the Jewish fast day of the Tenth of Tevet, mourning the First Temple's destruction and the siege placed on Jerusalem leading up to Temple's destruction during the reign of the Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar.
Jewish organizations and Temple Mount activist groups here were planning visits to the Temple Mount in observance of last Wednesday's Jewish day of mourning. Rabbi Chaim Richman, director of the international department at Israel's Temple Institute, a Mount activist group which planned to lead a tour of the site this week, said Israeli police informed his group earlier this week that they had decided the Mount would be closed the rest of the week to non-Muslims FOR FEAR OF OFFENDING MUSLIMS ON THE ISLAMIC HOLIDAY.
The letter to Olmert called the Temple Mount "'THE HOLIEST PLACE IN THE WORLD FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE,' yet Jews are denied the right to pray in groups, and even as individuals ... they are granted no opportunity for any religious expression whatsoever on the Temple Mount. However, let it be known that the Jewish people will never accept the total refusal of Jewish communal prayer on the Mountain," the letter states.
Biblical standards are under attack by the "bastardized courts" of Canada, where activists who claim they have "hurt feelings" are demanding - and getting - penalties imposed against those who oppose the homosexual lifestyle, according to a family organization.
The description of the courts, also known as the provincial and national Human Rights Commissions, comes from the Canada Family Action Coalition, which has addressed the problem in an alert to its constituents, and warns the United States is not that far from having similar assaults on traditional family values.
"It has become apparent in the past month how badly the acts are written and how they are being misused to violate the rights of Canadians," the organization said. "We today have a major national magazine, a federal political party leader and a registered political party, a major Catholic newspaper (Catholic Insight) and an internationally renowned journalist all of whom are being investigated by appointed 'hate speech therapists' from the commissions," the group said. THE LAWS ALSO OFTEN ARE INTERPRETED BY THOSE WHO HAVE NO TRAINING IN THE LAW, AND THE COMMISSIONS ARE NOT BOUND BY THE RULES OF LAW WHEN THEY MAKE THEIR DECISIONS, he added.
The journalist is Mark Steyn, according to CFAC spokesman Brian Rushfeldt, and the newest case involves Canada's national Catholic magazine of news, opinion and analysis. The publication has been told it is being targeted by a complaint from Edmonton resident Rob Wells, who alleges the publication has offended homosexuals. The magazine's editor, Father Alphonse de Valk, dismissed the complaint as unfounded, and said his publication follows the teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality.
Alan Borovoy, general counsel for the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, told the magazine he never imagined human rights commissions would ultimately be used against freedom of speech, because they were launched in an effort to eliminate discrimination in pay and housing. But after "SEXUAL ORIENTATION" was added as a protected class, THE TRIBUNALS HAVE BEEN EXPLOITED in pursuit of a ban on anything or anyone with less than a full endorsement of the homosexual lifestyle choice.
"The majority of the complaints have been related to homosexuals claiming that they've been offended, that hate is being propagated against them. THE MAJORITY BEING TARGETED ARE RELIGIOUS SECTORS OF SOCIETY," he said. "You see if my feelings are hurt and I feel discriminated against due to my 'religious orientation' then surely I must have a right and entitlement to have an appointed group of people in the Human Rights Commission at taxpayers' expense, intervene and force the activist to pay me compensation for my feelings. This is really not bullying is it? OR IS IT MORE LIKE EXTORTION?" said a commentary by the Family Action organization.
"How can I prove my feelings are hurt? I don't need to prove it. I just say it is so and it is so. Do I need to provide truth? No, not under the functions of the Human Rights Act. - SECTION 3(1) STATES THAT IF SOMETHING 'INDICATES DISCRIMINATION' AND 'IS LIKELY TO EXPOSE TO HATRED OR CONTEMPT' IT IS A BASIS FOR ACTION."
Worse yet, the commentary noted, the tribunals may make their own rules and regulations, based on the statutory provision that "the panel is not bound by the rules of law respecting evidence in judicial proceedings." Said the Christian Anti-Defamation Coalition, "The 2007 Federal Hate Crimes Bill which threatens religious liberties and lays the groundwork for 'thought crime,' which has no place in American law and violates the concept of equal protection under the law. AS HAS OCCURRED IN OTHER NATIONS, THESE LAWS PAVE THE WAY FOR CHRISTIANS TO BE SILENCED AND EVEN ARRESTED BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THAT HOMOSEXUAL ACTS ARE SINFUL."
Michael Marcavage, of Repent America, says his organization has members who were jailed for proclaiming their Christian beliefs on public streets in Philadelphia, because of state regulations similar to the federal proposal. "It's extraordinarily important that it has been removed from the defense reauthorization bill," he told WND. "BUT WE KNOW THAT THE HOMOSEXUAL LOBBY IS EXTRAORDINARILY AGGRESSIVE WHEN IT COMES TO OBTAINING SPECIAL PROTECTIONS. That's exactly what this is. We must be very vigilant as to what their next move is going to be. THEY'RE NOT GOING TO GO AWAY," he said.
Fifty-five million years ago the world's climate was catastrophically changed when volcanoes melted natural gas frozen in the seabed. Now Japan plans to drill for the same icy crystals to end its reliance on imported energy.
Billions of tons of methane hydrate, frozen chunks of chemical-laced water buried in sediment some 3,000 feet under the Pacific Ocean floor, may help Japan win energy independence from the Middle East and Indonesia. Japanese engineers have found enough "flammable ice" to meet its gas use demands for 14 years.
The trick is extracting it without damaging the environment. Japan is joining the U.S. and Canada in test drilling for methane even as scientists express concerns about any uncontrolled release of the frozen chemical. Some researchers blame the greenhouse gas for triggering a global firestorm that helped wipe out the dinosaurs.
"Methane hydrate was a key cause of the global warming that led to one of the largest extinctions in the earth's history," says Ryo Matsumoto, a University of Tokyo scientist who has studied frozen gas since 1987. "By making the best use of our wisdom, knowledge and technology, we should be able to utilize this wisely as a new energy." If successful, the gas drilling project could help Japan reduce a liquefied natural gas import bill that last year was 2.66 trillion yen ($23.3 billion). The country's LNG imports totaled 62.2 million metric tons, equivalent to 3.03 trillion cubic feet, according to the Ministry of Finance's trade report.
India carried out a successful test on Thursday of its surface-to-air Akash missile at an eastern coastal testing range, defence officials said.
The missile blasted off from the Chandipur-on-Sea testing site, 200 kilometres (125 miles) northeast of Orissa state capital Bhubaneswar and hit a flying target successfully, a defence ministry official. The 700-kilogramme (1,540-pound) Akash, meaning "sky" in Hindi, can track 100 targets simultaneously with onboard radar, move at 600 metres (yards) a second and deliver a 55-kilogramme warhead across 27 kilometres in 50 seconds.
The test came a day after India announced plans to increase its nuclear prowess with a ballistic missile capable of hitting targets up to 6,000 kilometres (3,800 miles) away. New Delhi also announced two tests this month of Indian manufactured interceptor missiles, saying they performed better than Patriot air-defence batteries manufactured by US defence group Raytheon.
The missile development project is also to counter the acquisition of newer missiles by Pakistan which carried out tit-for-tat nuclear weapons tests after India conducted a series of atomic detonations in 1998.
Israel successfully test fired an improved Patriot missile as part of efforts to upgrade the country's radar system following last year's war against Hezbollah, the army said on Wednesday
The test-firing was conducted on Tuesday in southern Israel as "part of series of improvements conducted in the missile's operational system towards a new radar system that allows a wider cover and detection ranges". The experiment launched the missile at a target imitating an airplane flying on an operational mission.
In August, it was reported that the Israeli air force was to buy advanced Patriot PAC-3 missiles, made in the United States and capable of intercepting aircraft and long-range ballistic missiles, to upgrade the air defence system. The Patriot PAC-3 was reportedly capable of intercepting missiles possessed by Syria, Israel's arch enemy to the north. The missile, weighing 320 kilos (700 pounds), increases the firepower of the Patriot battery, as 16 of them fit on a launcher, compared with four PAC-2s.
The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force successfully flight tested its first Raytheon Company built Standard Missile-3.
The SM-3 Block IA missile engaged and destroyed a medium-range ballistic missile target more than 60 miles above the Pacific Ocean. Personnel at the U.S. Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai launched the ballistic missile target while the crew of the Japanese destroyer JS KONGO (DDG-173) fired the intercepting missile.
"Today's intercept truly paves the way for Japan to deploy a sea-based ballistic missile defense system," said Ed Miyashiro, Raytheon Missile Systems vice president. "The U.S. has gained an important ally that can now defend itself against the threat of ballistic missiles."
During the test, the Japanese crew exchanged track information via satellite with U.S. naval assets, demonstrating missile defense interoperability between the two countries. This test was the 12th successful intercept for the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense system's SM-3.
MOSCOW - Russia's military on Tuesday successfully test-fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads - a weapon intended to replace aging Soviet-era missiles.
The RS-24 missile was launched from the Plesetsk launch facility in northern Russia and its test warheads successfully hit designated targets on the Kura testing range on the Kamchatka Peninsula some 4,340 miles east, Strategic Missile Forces spokesman Alexander Vovk told The Associated Press. Vovk said that the missile carried multiple test warheads, but refused to say how many. The Interfax news agency said the RS-24 is capable of carrying at least three warheads. The Strategic Missile Forces said in a statement that the missile was launched from a mobile launcher.
"The RS-24's deployment will strengthen the Strategic Missile Forces' capability to penetrate missile defense systems and strengthen the nuclear deterrent potential of Russia's strategic nuclear forces," the statement said. "The RS-24 will form the backbone of the Strategic Missile Forces and safely ensure the security of Russia and its allies through the mid-century."
President Vladimir Putin has used windfall oil revenues to modernize Russia's military arsenals amid increasing tensions with the West. The Kremlin has fiercely opposed U.S. plans to deploy missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic, saying they threaten Russia's security.
Against all odds, and despite the usual drumbeat of criticism, President Bush has had a very good year. The troop surge in Iraq is succeeding. America remains safe from terrorist attacks. And the Goldilocks economy is outperforming all expectations.
At his year-end news conference, Mr. Bush stated with optimism that the economy is fundamentally sound, despite the housing downturn and the sub-prime credit crunch. The very next day, that optimism was reinforced with news of the best consumer spending in two years. The prophets of recessionary doom, such as a former Fed chairman, Alan Greenspan, Republican advisor Martin Feldstein, ex-Democratic Treasury secretary Lawrence Summers, and bond-maven Bill Gross have been proven wrong once again.
Calendar year 2007 looks set to produce 3 % growth in real GDP, nearly 3 % growth in consumer spending, and over 3 % growth in after-tax inflation-adjusted incomes. Meanwhile, headline inflation (including food and energy) will have run at 2.5 %, with only 2 % core inflation. Jobs are rising over 100,000 per month and the stock market is set to turn in a respectable year despite enormous headwinds. Low tax rates, modest inflation, and declining interest rates continue to boost Goldilocks, which is still the greatest story never told.
Bush's optimism is well-earned, in Congress too. He has stopped a lot of bad legislation on higher taxing and spending. He won on S-CHIP and the alternative minimum tax. He mostly prevailed on domestic spending. And he got much of what he wanted on war funding without any pullout dates.
A proposal that Europe's top environment official made last month, to ban the planting of a genetically modified corn strain, sets up a bitter war within the European Union, where politicians have done their best to dance around the issue.
Science advisers told the European official Stavros Dimas that Bt corn was "unlikely" to pose a risk. He suggested banning it. THE VAST MAJORITY OF RESEARCH INTO SUCH CROPS IS CONDUCTED BY, OR FINANCED BY, THE COMPANIES THAT MAKE SEEDS FOR GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS.
IN THE UNITED STATES, WHERE ALMOST ALL CROPS ARE NOW GENETICALLY MODIFIED, THE DEBATE IS LARGELY CLOSED. Within the European scientific community, there are passionate divisions about how to apply the growing body of research concerning genetically modified crops, and in particular Bt corn. That strain is based on the naturally occurring soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis and mimics its production of a toxin to kill pests.
The environmental commissioner, Stavros Dimas, said he had based his decision squarely on SCIENTIFIC STUDIES SUGGESTING THAT LONG-TERM UNCERTAINTIES AND RISKS REMAIN in planting the so-called Bt corn. But when the full EUROPEAN COMMISSION takes up the matter in the next couple of months, commissioners will have to decide WHAT MIX OF SCIENCE, POLITICS AND TRADE TO APPLY. And they will face the ambiguous limits of science when it is applied to public policy.
For a decade, the European Union has maintained itself as the last big swath of land that is mostly free of genetically modified organisms, largely by sidestepping tough questions. It kept a moratorium on the planting of crops made from genetically altered seeds while making promises of further scientific studies. But Europe has been under increasing pressure from the WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION AND THE UNITED STATES, which contend that there is plenty of research to show such products do not harm the environment. THEREFORE, THEY INSIST, NORMAL TRADE RULES MUST APPLY.
Having reviewed the science, INSURANCE COMPANIES HAVE BEEN UNWILLING TO INSURE BT PLANTING BECAUSE THE RISKS to people and the environment are too uncertain, said Duncan Currie, an international lawyer in Christchurch, New Zealand, who studies the subject. Part of the reason that science is central to the current debate is that European law and World Trade Organization rules make it much easier for a country or a region to exclude genetically modified seeds IF NEW SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE INDICATES A RISK.
Lacking that kind of justification, a move to bar the plants would be regarded as an unfair barrier to trade, leaving the European Union open to penalties. But the science probably will not be clear-cut enough to let the European ministers avoid that risk.
Far out on the high seas, on any given day, hundreds of fishing vessels drag huge nets, big enough to snag a 747 jumbo jet, across the ocean bottom, vacuuming up 150-year-old fish, flattening ancient reefs and destroying everything else in their paths.
Only the biodiversity of tropical rainforests rivals that of the deep sea - our planet's largest wilderness - an aquatic wonderland that is now being systematically razed by what is likely the world's most environmentally destructive business. The fishing occurs mostly around the ocean's most unique topographical formations - submarine canyons, mid-oceanic ridges and tens of thousands of seamounts (most are extinct volcanoes) - which support a stunning profusion of endemic species, many of which are yet to be discovered.
Trawlers reduce these habitats to rubble in minutes, undermining the viability of the very fish that brought the vessels there in the first place. A "rapidly growing number of scientific studies documenting [deep-sea] trawling impacts led to the unmistakable conclusion that bottom trawling is the world's most harmful method of fishing," says the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition, which comprises leading environmental NGOs around the world and advocates an immediate moratorium on the practice.
"All fisheries are turning gradually into deep-sea fisheries because they have fished themselves out of the shallow waters," says Robert Steneck, a marine ecologist at the University of Maine. "The solution is not going into the deep sea, but better managing the shallow waters, where fish live fast and die young but where the ecosystems have greater potential for resilience."
"For the last several hundred years we have had freedom to fish on the high seas, without constraints, but clearly for deep-sea bottom trawling this can't continue. And I am reasonably optimistic it can be stopped," says Matthew Gianni, Deep Sea Coalition co-founder, who became a conservation advocate 20 years ago, after a decade of trawl fishing off U.S. coasts. "If there is going to be a turning point I think the concerns and the process of negotiation that played out at the General Assembly will prove to be that point."
(VATICAN CITY) - Pope Benedict XVI issued a Christmas Day appeal Tuesday to political leaders around the globe to find the "wisdom and courage" to end bloody conflicts in Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan and Congo.
Benedict delivered his traditional "Urbi et Orbi" speech - Latin for "to the city and to the world" - from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, blessing thousands of people gathered in the square below under a brilliant winter sun. Wearing gold-embroidered vestments and a bejeweled bishops' hat, or miter, Benedict urged the crowd to rejoice over the celebration of Jesus Christ's birth, which he said he hoped would bring consolation to all people "who live in the darkness of poverty, injustice and war."
He mentioned in particular those living in the "tortured regions" of Darfur, Somalia, northern Congo, the Eritrea-Ethiopia border, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the Balkans. "May the child Jesus bring relief to those who are suffering and may he bestow upon political leaders the wisdom and courage to seek and find humane, just and lasting solutions," he said.
Beyond those conflicts, Benedict said he was turning his thoughts this Christmas to victims of other injustices, citing women, children and the elderly, as well as refugees and victims of environmental disasters and religious and ethnic tensions. He said he hoped Christmas would bring consolation to "those who are still denied their legitimate aspirations for a more secure existence, for health, education, stable employment, for fuller participation in civil and political responsibilities, free from oppression and protected from conditions that offend human dignity."
Such injustices and discrimination are destroying the internal fabric of many countries and souring international relations, he said. In a nod to his engagement with environmental concerns, the pontiff also noted that the number of migrants and displaced people was increasing around the globe because of "frequent natural disasters, often caused by environmental upheavals."
A wife's claim that she thought her missing husband had been dead for five years was exposed as a lie after a sensational picture emerged which appears to show him and his wife in Panama in July 2006 - during the time that he was supposedly missing.
He was officially declared dead after vanishing while canoeing in the sea near Hartlepool in 2002. He was arrested, and police said they will look at the possibility of extraditing Mrs Darwin, who emigrated to Panama. It was an extraordinary piece of deception. In fact Mr and Mrs Darwin were photographed together in Panama last year, the picture posted on the website of a Panama company specialising in helping expatriates relocate to the central American state. Hours later he would be arrested at his son's home in Hampshire.
The woman who uncovered the picture of missing John Darwin with his wife FOUND IT WITH A SIMPLE SEARCH ON GOOGLE. She typed in the words John, Anne and Panama, clicked on images and up it popped - complete with date. The single mum, who does not want to be named, said: "I'D LIKE TO NOMINATE THEM FOR 'WORLD'S DUMBEST' AWARDS.
"Not only were they photographed but the date was actually on the picture. It was just too good to be true." The photo of John and Anne was taken in July 2006 for a "Move to Panama" website. It has now been removed. After finding the picture, the mum said: "I just blinked - and there they were. I rang police in Cleveland. The man on the other end said, 'You're joking'!"
While the fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, first performed in 1824, may seem an innocuous choice for the official anthem of the European Union (it was declared such in 1972), IT ACTUALLY TELLS MUCH MORE THAN ONE WOULD EXPECT ABOUT EUROPE'S PREDICAMENT TODAY.
The "Ode to Joy" is more than just a universally popular piece of classical music that has become something of a cliché during the holiday season (especially, oddly, in Japan, where it has achieved cult status). It has also been, for more than a century, what literary theorists call an "EMPTY SIGNIFIER" - A SYMBOL THAT CAN STAND FOR ANYTHING.
In early 20th-century France, the Nobel laureate Romain Rolland declared it to be the great humanist ode to the brotherhood of all people, and it came to be called "the Marseillaise of humanity." In 1938, it was performed as the high point of the Reichsmusiktage, THE NAZI MUSIC FESTIVAL, and was later used to celebrate HITLER'S BIRTHDAY. In China during the Cultural Revolution, in an atmosphere of total rejection of European classics, it was redeemed by some as a piece of progressive class struggle.
There is, however, A WEIRD IMBALANCE IN THIS PIECE OF MUSIC. In the middle of the movement, after we hear the main melody (the "joy" theme) in three orchestral and three vocal variations, SOMETHING UNEXPECTED HAPPENS that has bothered critics for the last 180 years: at Bar 331, THE TONE CHANGES TOTALLY, and, instead of the solemn hymnic progression, the same "joy" theme is repeated in the "marcia turca" ( OR TURKISH MARCH) style, a conceit borrowed from MILITARY MUSIC for wind and percussion instruments that 18th-century European armies adopted from the Turkish janissaries.
The mode then becomes one of a carnivalesque parade, A MOCKING SPECTACLE. After this point, such critics feel, EVERYTHING GOES WRONG, the simple solemn dignity of the first part of the movement is never recovered.
But what if these critics are only partly correct - what if things do not go wrong only with the entrance of the marcia turca? What if they go wrong from the very beginning? Perhaps one should accept that there is SOMETHING OF AN INSIPID FAKE IN THE VERY "ODE TO JOY," so that the chaos that enters after Bar 331 is a kind of the "return of the repressed," a symptom of what was errant from the beginning.
AND DOES THE SAME NOT HOLD FOR EUROPE TODAY? The second stanza of Friedrich Schiller's poem that is set to the music in "Ode to Joy," coming on the heels of a chorus that invites the world's "millions" to "be embraced," ominously ends: "BUT HE WHO CANNOT REJOICE, LET HIM STEAL WEEPING AWAY."
It's in the best interest of Israel to convey the image that it's threatened and is in dire need of money and arms.
Now that it has been established that there is no such thing as an Iranian nuclear bomb, how exactly would the Israeli spin machine conjure up a nuclear threat from Iran? It is in the best interest of Israel to convey the image that it is threatened and therefore is in dire need of defense. The Israeli government will even buy air time in America to convince us to send them more money!
Each Israeli settler family that had to leave Gaza was given two hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars for giving up their claim and for moving! The Israeli government got that money by asking the U.S. Congress for more money. All this comes out of our tax pocket and is real money. The Iran threat will continue to be hyped as is and without any noticeable decrease in rhetoric. We will continue to see more stories by the Israelis claiming an almost immediate Iranian threat which can be combated with more money to Israel!
Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”
The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!
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