Sect holes up in cave to await end of world - 15/11/2007

At least 30 members of a Russian doomsday cult have barricaded themselves in a remote cave to await the end of the world and are threatening to commit suicide if police intervene, officials and media said Thursday.

Biofuels bonanza facing 'crash'
BBC - 15/11/2007

The biofuels bonanza will crash unless producers can guarantee their crops have been produced responsibly, the UN's environment agency chief has said.

EU 'should expand beyond Europe'
BBC - 15/11/2007

Foreign Secretary David Miliband has suggested the European Union should work towards including Russia, Middle Eastern and North African countries.

Georgia Governor prays for rain amid drought
Associated Press By GREG BLUESTEIN - 14/11/2007

ATLANTA - As Georgia descends deeper into drought, Gov. Sonny Perdue has ordered water restrictions, launched a legal battle and asked President Bush for help. On Tuesday, the governor will call on a higher power.

Bird flu strikes again - 14/11/2007

Thousands of turkeys, geese and ducks were being slaughtered last night after bird flu was found at a farm in Norfolk.

Russia, India to join in moon mission - 14/11/2007

The leaders of veteran allies Russia and India agreed Monday, during Kremlin talks, to launch a joint unmanned mission to the moon on boosting military and trade ties.

US most important UK ally - Brown
BBC - 14/11/2007

Gordon Brown has said Britain's "most important" relationship is with the US, in his first major foreign policy speech since becoming prime minister.

Police tighten cordon on Bhutto
BBC - 14/11/2007

Police in Pakistan have strengthened the cordon around a house in Lahore where the opposition leader Benazir Bhutto has been placed under arrest.

Bank of England broke its own rules - 12/11/2007

The credit squeeze was the first trial of the Bank of England's framework for market operations introduced last year. Unfortunately, the verdict is "guilty", with the smoking gun found in the Bank's own "red book", as the framework is known.

Record prices net Opec $658bn - 12/11/2007

Crude oil revenues for the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries are this year set to reach $658bn (€448bn, £315bn), an increase of almost 9 per cent from 2006 levels, as prices reach records and the group starts to reverse last year's production cuts, according to US government data.

Why FAS 157 strikes dread into bankers - 12/11/2007

The risk of a worldwide banking crisis - one that is particularly damaging to mortgages, private equity, hedge funds and the banks themselves - is higher than it was a month ago, and the storm is rising.

Cloning: a giant step - 12/11/2007

A technical breakthrough has enabled scientists to create for the first time dozens of cloned embryos from adult monkeys, raising the prospect of the same procedure being used to make cloned human embryos.

Europe - Constitution before ratification?
Euobserver - 12/11/2007

EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini has said he wants to act now as though the revised Constitution is already in force by involving the European Parliament in justice and policing decisions.

"Devastating impact" for Kenya if it doesn't sign Trade Deal
Reuters - 12/11/2007

EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson yesterday threatened Kenya with "devastating" consequences for its key export industries if it refused to sign up to a controversial trade opening deal - an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) - by the 1 January 2008 deadline.

Foreign Office minister is a 'liability', say his officials - 12/11/2007

FOREIGN OFFICE officials have turned on Lord Malloch-Brown, their minister, describing him as a "liability" for the government.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)