Muslim call to prayer in Oxford - 26/12/2007

Muslim plans to broadcast a loudspeaker call to prayer from a Oxford city centre mosque have been attacked by local residents who say it would turn the area into a "Muslim ghetto".

Jews demand right to pray on Temple Mount By Aaron Klein - 26/12/2007

JERUSALEM - Rabbinic leaders and Temple Mount activist groups here today demanded the Israeli government allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount - Judaism's holiest site.

Bible standards attacked - 26/12/2007

Biblical standards are under attack by the "bastardized courts" of Canada, where activists who claim they have "hurt feelings" are demanding - and getting - penalties imposed against those who oppose the homosexual lifestyle, according to a family organization.

Japan Mines 'Flammable Ice - 26/12/2007

Fifty-five million years ago the world's climate was catastrophically changed when volcanoes melted natural gas frozen in the seabed. Now Japan plans to drill for the same icy crystals to end its reliance on imported energy.

India successfully tests surface-to-air Akash missile
AFP - 26/12/2007

India carried out a successful test on Thursday of its surface-to-air Akash missile at an eastern coastal testing range, defence officials said.

Israel test fires improved Patriot missile
AFP - 26/12/2007

Israel successfully test fired an improved Patriot missile as part of efforts to upgrade the country's radar system following last year's war against Hezbollah, the army said on Wednesday

Japan Test Fires Missile - 26/12/2007

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force successfully flight tested its first Raytheon Company built Standard Missile-3.

Russia Successfully Tests New ICBM
AP - 26/12/2007

MOSCOW - Russia's military on Tuesday successfully test-fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads - a weapon intended to replace aging Soviet-era missiles.

Bush's Very Good Year - 26/12/2007

Against all odds, and despite the usual drumbeat of criticism, President Bush has had a very good year. The troop surge in Iraq is succeeding. America remains safe from terrorist attacks. And the Goldilocks economy is outperforming all expectations.

Both Sides Cite Science to Address Altered Corn By Elisabeth Rosenthal - 26/12/2007

A proposal that Europe's top environment official made last month, to ban the planting of a genetically modified corn strain, sets up a bitter war within the European Union, where politicians have done their best to dance around the issue.

Laying Waste to the Deep Sea - 26/12/2007

Far out on the high seas, on any given day, hundreds of fishing vessels drag huge nets, big enough to snag a 747 jumbo jet, across the ocean bottom, vacuuming up 150-year-old fish, flattening ancient reefs and destroying everything else in their paths.

Pope Urges Leaders to End Conflicts - 25/12/2007

(VATICAN CITY) - Pope Benedict XVI issued a Christmas Day appeal Tuesday to political leaders around the globe to find the "wisdom and courage" to end bloody conflicts in Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan and Congo.

Caught in the "Web!" & - 25/12/2007

A wife's claim that she thought her missing husband had been dead for five years was exposed as a lie after a sensational picture emerged which appears to show him and his wife in Panama in July 2006 - during the time that he was supposedly missing.

'Ode to Joy,' Followed by Chaos and Despair

While the fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, first performed in 1824, may seem an innocuous choice for the official anthem of the European Union (it was declared such in 1972), IT ACTUALLY TELLS MUCH MORE THAN ONE WOULD EXPECT ABOUT EUROPE'S PREDICAMENT TODAY.

Israel will invent a threat if it has to! - 25/12/2007

It's in the best interest of Israel to convey the image that it's threatened and is in dire need of money and arms.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)