Oil price rises to all-time high
BBC - 02/08/2007

Oil prices have climbed to a record high of $78.71 a barrel amid worries about whether oil supplies can meet global demand.

UN to send 26,000-strong force to Darfur
ft.com - 01/08/2007

The United Nations Security Council unanimously agreed ­on Tuesday to a 26,000-strong joint UN-African Union force for Darfur, as Gordon Brown, the prime minister, hailed the creation of the world's largest peacekeeping operation during a speech in New York.

Six-year-old caught smoking cannabis
dailymail.co.uk - 01/08/2007

Children as young as eight or nine are using cannabis, experts warn.

Credit casualties mount, global stocks tumble
reuters.com - 01/08/2007

World stock markets fell sharply on Wednesday and currency markets churned as casualties mounted from worsening credit markets and investors scrambled away from riskier assets.

Iran to buy jets from Russia
jpost.com - 01/08/2007

Israel is looking into reports that Russia plans to sell 250 advanced long-range Sukhoi-30 fighter jets to Iran in an unprecedented billion-dollar deal.

Robots battle for military prize
BBC - 01/08/2007

For two weeks during the summer of 2008, an army of autonomous robots will march across the Wiltshire countryside.

Saudis back US plans in Mid-East
BBC - 01/08/2007

Saudi Arabia has pledged to explore the possibility of starting diplomatic relations with the Shia-led government in Iraq, a move long sought by the US.

Jeering mob of children 'stoned father to death as he played cricket'
dailymail.co.uk - 01/08/2007

Five boys as young as 10 stoned to death a man playing cricket with his son, the Old Bailey heard today.

Canaries fires force evacuations
BBC - 01/08/2007

Forest fires on two of Spain's Canary Islands have forced the evacuation of more than 11,000 people, local officials have said.

Rise in number of sex offenders 'is swamping supervision system'
timesonline.co.uk - 31/07/2007

Known sex offenders are living unchecked in the community because there are too many of them to be monitored regularly, according to research commissioned by the Home Office.

US to arm Israel and Arab states in $60bn deal
independent.co.uk - 31/07/2007

The US has announced military aid packages worth more than $60bn (£30bn) for Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other key Arab allies in the Gulf.

Muslims protest over pet food factory that could 'rain down' pork
dailymail.co.uk - 31/07/2007

A group of Muslims have opposed plans for a pet food factory to be built as possible pork emissions will violate their religious rights.

Healthy salads have more salt than a Big Mac and fries
dailymail.co.uk - 31/07/2007

Many ready-made salads and pasta bowls should carry a health warning because they contain more salt than a Big Mac and fries, say campaigners.

China's not-so-secret army
news.scotsman.com - 31/07/2007

CHINA'S 2.3-million strong People's Liberation Army (PLA) is celebrating its 80th anniversary with new uniforms, lavish exhibitions and a degree of transparency unusual for a force long swathed in secrecy.

Brown signals British pull-out from Iraq
news.scotsman.com - 31/07/2007

GORDON Brown, the Prime Minister, yesterday put President George W Bush on notice that Britain will pull its troops out of Iraq, as he sought to put his own stamp on trans-Atlantic relations.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)