Army ending its operation in NI
BBC - 31/07/2007

The British army's operation in Northern Ireland will come to an end at midnight on Tuesday after 38 years.

Floods to put damper on Christmas dinner - 31/07/2007

THE floods that ravaged parts of England could also leave their mark on the Christmas dinner plate, a new report warns.

Europe this Week
As indicated - 31/07/2007


"The real issue has become one of trust."
Open Europe - Sunday Telegraph - Sun - 31/07/2007

Labour MP Gisela Stuart argued that "One of Tony Blair's last acts was to renege on a promise".

Floods, drought show no let-up in China - 30/07/2007

Floods and drought continued to play havoc last week, raising the death toll across the country, with experts blaming the freaky weather conditions on global warming.

Sex for the motherland - 30/07/2007

Remember the mammoths, say the clean-cut organisers at the youth camp's mass wedding. "They became extinct because they did not have enough sex. That must not happen to Russia".

Massive marine dead zone forms in Gulf of Mexico by Janet McConnaughey - 30/07/2007

THE world's second largest "dead zone" has formed in the sea off the Louisiana and Texas coasts, according to scientists.

World owes US a debt, says Brown
BBC - 30/07/2007

The world owes a debt to the United States for its leadership in the fight against international terrorism, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said.

People, snakes flee deadly South Asia floods - 30/07/2007

SIRAJGANJ, Bangladesh (Reuters) - With floodwater pouring in through their windows, thousands of people affected by South Asia's deadly deluge are being forced to share the limited high ground with venomous snakes, surrounded by filthy water.

Pontiff: Evolution Does Not Exclude a Creator - 29/07/2007

Benedict XVI says youth will find meaning in their lives if they acknowledge the existence of their Creator. And, he affirms, the theory of evolution does not require denying God.

US seals nuclear deal with India - 29/07/2007

The US has announced it has taken the unprecedented step of agreeing to the creation of a civil nuclear enrichment facility in India.

Scientists breed world's first mentally ill mouse - 29/07/2007

SCIENTISTS have created the world's first schizophrenic mice in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the illness.

US fears that Brown wants Iraq pull-out - 29/07/2007

SENIOR Downing Street aide has sounded out Washington on the possibility of an early British military withdrawal from Iraq.

Globalisation shakes the world
BBCBy Steve Schifferes
BBC By Steve Schifferes, Economics reporter - 29/07/2007

Globalisation is a word that is on everyone's lips these days, from politicians to businessmen.

No "English Version" of EU Treaty
Telegraph - 29/07/2007

The Telegraph reports that the Government has come under criticism from MPs for failing to provide Parliament with an English version of the new EU treaty.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)