Merck's vaccine tied to 3 deaths - 25/05/2007

At least three deaths and more than 1,600 adverse reactions including spontaneous abortion and paralysis have been connected to Merck & Co.'s new vaccine for the human papillomavirus, ( Gardasil ) a treatment the company has lobbied state lawmakers to make mandatory for young girls across the nation.

North American union plan headed to Congress in fall - 25/05/2007

Powerful think tank prepares report on benefits of integration between U.S., Mexico, Canada

US warships in Gulf for show of force
Reuters - 24/05/2007

The largest daytime assembly of U.S. warships in the Gulf since the 2003 Iraq war prepared yesterday to hold drills off Iran's coast in a major U.S. show of force that unnerved oil markets.

Turkey increases military cooperation with two Gulf states
Turkish Daily News - 24/05/2007

Turkey moved closer to MILITARY COOPERATION WITH TWO MORE GULF STATES, Qatar and Bahrain, yesterday when Chief of General Staff Gen. Yasar Büyükanit put signature to widen cooperation with the Qatar Chief of General Staff, Major Gen. Hamad Bin Ali Al-Attiyah and the Kingdom of Bahrain's Minister responsible for defense, Lt. Gen. Mohammad Bin Abdullah Al-Khalifa.

France: Sarkozy concentrates power in his own hands - 24/05/2007

Newly elected French president Nicolas Sarkozy has used the first days in office to concentrate a broad range of power in his hands comparable only to that possessed by former French leader Gen. Charles de Gaulle.

Farewell to That G8
The Moscow - 24/05/2007

Whenever the Group of Eight meets, there is discussion and often criticism of the numerous proposals and forecasts coming out of the proceedings. Then the whole thing is forgotten until next year.

Honda tells UK: join euro- zone or else - 24/05/2007

Honda's president Takeo Fukui has threatened to cut off future investment in Britain unless the country joins the euro, admitting that the Japanese car producer had made an "error" building its car plant in Swindon.

Blair plans Pope visit
The Scotsman - 24/05/2007

TONY BLAIR, the Prime Minister, is planning to visit Rome to to meet Pope Benedict XVI before he stands down as Prime Minister, it emerged last night.

Scientists create 'miracle water' that kills infections and MRSA
Daily Mail - 24/05/2007

Scientists have created a form of water which can zap hospital superbugs and speed up wound healing.
Dermacyn - dubbed "miracle water" - is effective against infections ranging from MRSA to TB and has just been approved for sale in the UK.

New al Qaeda Tapes Feature U.S. Capitol Under 'Attack' - 24/05/2007

Al Qaeda has a new opening graphic for its propaganda tapes: the U.S. Capitol under "attack."

Church Is Not Homophobic, Affirms Prelate - 24/05/2007

Accusations that the Church is homophobic are "simply ideological and false," says Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco. Archbishop Bagnasco, president of the Italian bishops' conference, made this statement Monday during the inauguration of the 57th Assembly of Italian bishops in Rome, being held in the Vatican through Friday. The archbishop has recently received threats for upholding the definition of marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman.

The schools where pupils aged four learn about gay lifestyle
Daily Mail By LAURA CLARK - 23/05/2007

Pupils are being invited to act the parts of gay characters during after-school arts clubs as well as in some literacy and drama lessons. CHILDREN AS YOUNG AS FOUR ARE BEING TAUGHT ABOUT SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS USING PUPPETS, PLAYS AND FAIRY TALES IN A GOVERNMENT-FUNDED SCHEME, it emerged yesterday.

Europe this Week - 23/05/2007

THE HOME OFFICE has announced that 10,400 BULGARIANS AND ROMANIANS came to work in the UK in the first three months of the year. The Government had promised that only 10,000 a year would be permitted to work in the UK.

Iran planning a summer offensive?
The Guardian - 23/05/2007

Iran has been secretly planning a summer offensive in Iraq in order to tip a wavering US Congress into full military withdrawal. He said that there was an undeclared war that is going on with Iran in Afghanistan and Iraq.

UK Government refuses to make treaty negotiations public.
Open Europe bulletin - 23/05/2007

In a written answer to William Hague MP, the UK Government has refused to make public a letter sent by Angela Merkel to EU heads of state, which aimed to sound out support for various aspects of the new EU treaty and suggested making "presentational changes" to the original Constitution without changing the "legal substance". (Hansard, 10 May)

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Just what is an Apostle?

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)