The Chief Rabbinate of Israel has issued a ruling welcoming the Christians arriving for the annual FEAST OF TABERNACLES conference - and banning Jews from participating.
A website affiliated with the Iranian regime, Assar Iran, claimed Monday that Iran has more than 600 missiles pointed at targets in Israel. Missiles are also locked on United States positions in Iraq, according to sources in the Islamic Republic.
Federal Reserve Slashes Interest Rate by a Half-Point; Market Soars
Villagers in southern Peru were struck by a mysterious illness after a meteorite made a fiery crash to Earth in their area, regional authorities said Monday.
They are an identical species, but while one is lean and incredibly fit, the SAS of the fish world, the other is an obese, idle creature, a couch potato with fins. When the two interbreed, the results can be a genetic disaster.
The openly homosexual bishop whose ordination sparked the split in the Anglican Communion has claimed that the Church of England would come close to shutting down if it was forced to manage without gay clergy.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is to hold a secret Communion service for gay clergy and their partners in London.
Iran threatened to fire long-range missiles at American targets in the Middle East yesterday as the war of words between Teheran and the West continued to escalate.
Shareholders in Britain's biggest banks lost £8bn yesterday as rumours swept the stock market that other high-street lenders could be forced to follow Northern Rock's call for a Bank of England bail-out.
There were fresh fears over the latest foot-and-mouth outbreak last night after initial blood tests on sheep within the existing Protection Zone in Surrey indicated a new case of the disease.
Developing countries face serious social unrest as they struggle to cope with soaring food prices, inflation that shows no signs of abating, the United Nations' top agriculture official has warned.
Australia slashed nearly a third off its official wheat crop forecast on Tuesday as a persistent drought ravaged crops, adding to a grim picture for world supply and pushing domestic wheat futures to a record high.
On Labour's blackest economic day since it came to power, Gordon Brown sought to end the run on Northern Rock by pledging to prop up the beleaguered bank.
FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) -- Former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said it is possible that the euro could replace the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency of choice.