The first detailed map of a man's genes shows the genetic code is even more complex than anyone thought.
AL-ASAD AIR BASE, Iraq (AP) - President Bush, briefed by U.S. military commanders and Iraqi leaders, said Monday some American forces could be sent home if security across Iraq improves as it has in Anbar province, a former hotbed of Sunni insurgency.
Nearly two-thirds of the public believe ministers are using environmental fears as an excuse to raise tax revenue, according to a poll.
Lieutenant General Robert Elder, senior Air Force officer for cyberspace issues, recently joked that North Korea "must only have one laptop" to make the more serious point that every potential adversary "except Pyongyang" routinely scans US computer networks.
The Chinese military hacked into a Pentagon computer network in June in the most successful cyber attack on the US defence department, say American officials. Computer hacking seems to have become yet another Chinese growth industry.
How the 'real' economy will pay for a month of mayhem in the markets
British withdrawal from the EU is coming into sharper focus, with all the grave consequences that will ensue for the Atlantic order and the cause of market liberalism.
Iraqi joy at British 'defeat' as Bush makes surprise visit to Baghdad - But will the pull out cause a serious rift in the 'special relationship' with the US?
SAN PEDRO SULA, Honduras - Hurricane Felix churned toward Central America on Monday, sending enormous waves crashing to shore as the Category 4 storm drew strength from the warm waters of the Caribbean. Tourists jammed the airports and locals stocked up on food and plywood.
The withdrawal of British troops from the southern Iraqi city of Basra is not a defeat, Gordon Brown has insisted.
Iranian state media reports Tehran has achieved its long-sought goal of running 3,000 centrifuges to enrich uranium to nuclear grade.
Police have been given the go-ahead to use Taser stun guns against children. The relaxing of restrictions on the use of the weapons comes despite warnings that they could trigger a heart attack in youngsters.
ATLANTA (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Felix became the second hurricane of the Atlantic season on Saturday night and is expected to gain strength as it moves through the Caribbean, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said on Saturday.
Almost 3,000 crimes were committed last year where the suspect was too young to be prosecuted, the BBC has learned.
General Sir Mike Jackson, the head of the British Army during the invasion of Iraq, has launched a scathing attack on the United States for the way it handled the post-war administration of the country.