Mt Etna Erupts - 06/09/2007

It has been reported to INTLVRC by the Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) that Mt. Etna is back to its glory once more.

Liquidity crisis grows - 05/09/2007

Pressure is mounting on the Bank of England to intervene in the credit crisis after money-market lending rates jumped to a 20-year record and economists warned that central banks have "not properly recognised the dangers" ahead.

Germans arrest three over terror attack plot - 05/09/2007

Germany has arrested three men suspected of plotting "imminent "attacks on Frankfurt International Airport and a US military base, German authorities said

French inspectors 'marking up sub standard wines' - 05/09/2007

Britons buying big name French wines have been warned that up to a third are of "sub standard" quality.

Industry pays a lot to play in D.C. game - 05/09/2007

WASHINGTON -- When it comes to lobbying, the entertainment industry is no slouch, spending more than $27.5 million this YEAR IN ITS EFFORTS TO WIN FAVORS FROM THE GOVERNMENT, according to an examination of disclosure reports.

All UK 'must be on DNA database'
BBC - 05/09/2007

The whole population and every UK visitor should be added to the national DNA database, a senior judge has said.

Europe this Week
Open Europe Press Summary - 05/09/2007

A roundup of political events in Europe this week.

Israel this Week
Israel - EMET NEWS SERVICE - 05/09/2007

A weekly summary of news and events concerning Israel and the Jewish people.

Desperate Measures for US FED
By Jim Willie CB - 05/09/2007

For years an INSTITUTIONAL DISHONESTY WITHIN ALL THINGS FINANCIAL in the United States has been ingrained, spreading, and become integrated with high levels of the US Government.

'Real men go to Tehran' - 04/09/2007

The Bush administration is set to embark on a final, foolish military adventure, says Matthew Carr

Muslims caught red-handed destroying Temple artifacts
World Net Daily by Aaron Klein - 04/09/2007

JERUSALEM - Islamic authorities using heavy machinery to dig on the Temple Mount - Judaism's holiest site - have been caught red-handed destroying Temple-era antiquities and what's believed to be a section of an outer wall of the Second Jewish Temple.

German far Right party builds support By Harry de Quetteville - 04/09/2007

In the Baltic home state of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany's far Right National Democratic Party - often associated with skinheads and steel-toed boots - is pursuing a softer, path to power.

Governmental 'Hail Mary' passes By IRA SHARKANSKY - 04/09/2007

A lengthy review of Condoleezza Rice's government career and near-future prospects in the New York Times will add to Israeli paranoia. It describes her as trying to salvage a damaged reputation (principally on account of Iraq) by pushing Israeli and Palestinian leaders together in the hope that something positive will emerge.

Exotic spider with a nasty bite swarms across England By DAVID DERBYSHIRE - 04/09/2007

For decades, only the gardens of the South Coast were warm enough for them. But after years of mild winters, one of Britain's most colourful and striking spiders is on the march. The population of the wasp spider has exploded and is spreading rapidly north. This year, females have been spotted in Surrey and Hertfordshire.

Watchdog warns of E numbers that make children misbehave - 04/09/2007

Parents will be alerted this week to ensure children avoid artificial additives in drinks, sweets and processed foods because of explosive evidence about the effects on behaviour.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)