UN: Half the World Soon to Be in Cities
breitbart.com/ - 28/06/2007

LONDON (AP) - Most of humanity will be living in cities by next year, raising the threat of increased poverty and religious extremism unless the needs of growing urban populations are met, the U.N. said Wednesday.

UN issues desertification warning
BBC - 28/06/2007

Tens of millions of people could be driven from their homes by encroaching deserts, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia, a report says.

Blair appointed Middle East envoy
BBC - 28/06/2007

Tony Blair is to become a Middle East envoy working on behalf of the US, Russia, the UN and the EU.

Flooding: Blame ministers' penny pinching and the planners - not the weather
Daily Mail - 28/06/2007

Never before has there been a summer's day quite like it - but scientists say that Monday's monsoon-like downpours are the increasingly strange shape of things to come.

Supercomputer steps up the pace
BBC - 28/06/2007

The world's fastest commercial supercomputer has been launched by computer giant IBM.

Housebuilder takes big hit as sub-prime woes deepen in US
business.timesonline.co.uk - 27/06/2007

The fallout from mortgage woes in the United States continued yesterday as the country's biggest housebuilder reported an unexpected loss and made a gloomy forecast in the face of mounting evidence that the housing crisis will ricochet across the economy.

Banks 'set to call in a swathe of loans'
telegraph.co.uk - 27/06/2007

The United States faces a severe credit crunch as mounting losses on risky forms of debt catch up with the banks and force them TO CURB LENDING AND CALL IN EXISTING LOANS.

Caesareans are used in quarter of all births
Daily Mail - 27/06/2007

Almost a quarter of all births are now caesareans despite a Government campaign to promote normal deliveries.

Britain is now cocaine capital of Europe
Daily Mail - 27/06/2007

Britain is now the cocaine capital of Europe with soaring numbers of young people taking the drug, a United Nations report has revealed.

Why do we build more houses on flood plains?
Daily Mail - 27/06/2007

Given their location, they had little chance when the deluge came.

Pakistanis, Indians, struggle to help storm victims
reuters.com - 27/06/2007

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani rescue workers struggled on Wednesday to reach villagers stranded by a cyclone that hit the coast, while in India, snakes and scorpions hampered efforts to help victims of severe weather there.

Europe heatwave leaves 31 dead
breitbart.com - 27/06/2007

Sizzling temperatures in Greece, Italy and Romania has brought power cuts and brush fires in a heatwave that has led to at least 31 deaths in south-east Europe in recent days.

'Pottermania' spells trouble
WorldNetDaily.com By Jennifer Carden - 27/06/2007

Within 24 hours after its July 2005 release, "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" had sold 6.9 million copies in the United States alone - 287,564 books per hour - making it the fastest selling book in recent history.

Brown to become prime minister
BBC - 27/06/2007

Gordon Brown is set to become prime minister, bringing to an end Tony Blair's 10 years in power.

Comment round-up
Various - 27/06/2007

Comments on the new "Constitition" in the Press

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)