'Marriage' to become museum piece
WorldNetDaily.com - 06/06/2007

A proposal that already has earned the support of state senators in California would make marriage a museum piece, effectively relegating the biblically-mandated institution to the same category of usefulness as the rotary-dial telephone, opponents say.

Cyclone hits Gulf state of Oman
BBC - 06/06/2007

A powerful cyclone has hit the Gulf state of Oman, bringing heavy rains to the capital, Muscat.

Golan Heights residents 'ready for resistance'
WorldNetDaily.com - 05/06/2007

If the Jewish state doesn't vacate the Golan Heights in the near future, Golan residents living under Israeli administration will launch "resistance operations" aimed at prompting an Israeli retreat from the territory, an official from Syrian President Bashar Assad's Baath party told WND in an exclusive interview yesterday.

WorldNetDaily.com - 05/06/2007

A Christian organization fighting on behalf of religious and speech rights is going to the U.S. Supreme Court to challenge an appellate court decision that found MUNICIPAL EMPLOYERS COULD CENSOR WORDS SUCH AS "MARRIAGE" AND "FAMILY VALUES" BECAUSE THEY ARE HATE SPEECH AND COULD SCARE WORKERS.

History's worst mass killer gets Hollywood makeover
WorldNetDaily.com - 05/06/2007

A man who is believed to have killed up to 100 million people in his life is to be the subject of a positive $60 million biographical film portrait, if a Hollywood producer gets his way.

Analysis: Rearing children in captivity
BBC - 05/06/2007

What has happened in the last 30 years or so? The risk of abduction remains tiny. In Britain, there are now half as many children killed every year in road accidents as there were in 1922 - despite a more than 25-fold increase in traffic.

Eta to end ceasefire with Spain
BBC - 05/06/2007

The Basque separatist group Eta says its ceasefire with the Spanish government will end at midnight.

Mid-East marks start of 1967 War
BBC - 05/06/2007

Israeli and Palestinian peace activists are planning protests to mark 40 years since the Arab-Israeli war of 1967.

Palestinian rivals: Fatah & Hamas
BBC - 05/06/2007

Two parties dominate Palestinian politics: Fatah which has been at the head of the Palestinian national movement since the 1950s, and the Islamist movement, Hamas, which won the parliamentary elections in January 2006.

Israel - What happened to the Peace Lobby?
BBC - 05/06/2007

"People are tired. They don't believe any more in the possibilities of peace" said Yehudit Elkana

Israel - Obstacles to peace: Borders and settlements
BBC - 05/06/2007

The modern Israeli state was forged in the fires of the first Middle East war in 1948-1949, but from the beginning it was a state without clear borders.

Israel - Obstacles to peace: Jerusalem
BBC - 05/06/2007

Ancient Jerusalem has changed hands many times, its religious significance exerting a powerful pull on Jewish, Christian and Muslim conquerors.

Israel - Obstacles to peace: Water
BBC - 05/06/2007

The Arab-Israeli dispute is a conflict about land - and maybe just as crucially the water which flows through that land.

Israel - Obstacles to peace: Refugees
BBC - 05/06/2007

Forty years after the Middle East war of 1967 and nearly 60 since the establishment of Israel, there is no Arab-Israeli issue that remains as utterly divisive as the fate of Palestinian refugees.

Israel - The West Bank Barrier
BBC - 05/06/2007

Israel began building a 703km barrier in and around the occupied West Bank in 2002.

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)