Pentagon plans for possible attack on nuclear sites in Iran
The Guardian - 19/02/2007

A second battle group has been ordered to the Gulf and extra missiles have already been sent out. Meanwhile oil is being stockpiled. US preparations for an air strike against Iran are at an advanced stage, in spite of repeated public denials by the Bush administration, according to informed sources in Washington. The present military build-up in the Gulf would allow the US to mount an attack by the spring. But the sources said that if there was an attack, it was more likely next year, just before Mr Bush leaves office.

Churches back plan to unite under Pope
The Times - 19/02/2007

Radical proposals to reunite Anglicans with the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of the Pope are to be published this year, The Times has learnt. The proposals have been agreed by senior bishops of both churches. In a 42-page statement prepared by an international commission of both churches, Anglicans and Roman Catholics are urged to explore how they might reunite under the Pope.

Israel: Bumbling into War?
Jerusalem Post - 18/02/2007

Today Israel's leaders claim that Saudi Arabia is our new best friend. The Wahhabis will protect us from Iran and its proxies they promise. It's difficult to see how this view jibes with reality. Indeed today, in a manner eerily reminiscent of last spring, we are on the precipice of a new war and our leaders stubbornly reject truth for delusion. Unless they acknowledge reality soon, they will again bar the IDF from fighting effectively, again manoeuvre us into diplomatic isolation and so again lead Israel to defeat.

Muslims solidifying Temple Mount takeover - 18/02/2007

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's reported decision to allow Muslims to construct a massive minaret on the Temple Mount will "serve to solidify Islam's take over of Judaism's holiest site," a leading Israeli archaeologist charged in a WND interview. Hebrew University's Eilat Mazor said Muslims are turning the Temple Mount into a "giant mosque for Islam only," and that the new minaret will "serve as a prize to the Muslims, who have been erasing Jewish ties to the site by openly discarding Jewish artifacts they find."

The growing power of Nigeria's gangs
BBC - 18/02/2007

As Nigeria prepares for April's general elections, fears are growing about the rise of armed gangs in the oil-rich Niger Delta. The BBC's Alex Last braves the slums of Port Harcourt to find powerful militant commander Soboma George, who tells him that they, not the politicians, will be calling the shots.

Syria and Iran vow unity against US - 18/02/2007

Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, his Iranian counterpart, have pledged to work together to confront US and Israeli "plots" in the Middle East. Al-Assad arrived in Iran for a two day visit aimed at bolstering robust ties, his second trip to the Islamic republic since Ahmadinejad took power in August 2005.

Activists warn Christians targeted under new 'hate crimes' proposal
WorldNetDaily - 15/02/2007

Two Christians in Australia have been indicted for criticizing Islam, and another for criticizing Zionism. A filmmaker has been threatened with arrest for using the word "homosexual" rather than "gay." Now a German priest faces jail time for publicly criticizing abortionists, and in Holland, "fornicators" and "adulterers" are protected classes and cannot be criticized. All courtesy of the concept of federal "hate crimes" legislation, which unless defeated soon could be mandatory in the United States, warns a rising chorus of critics.

Disaster threat hangs over Chad
BBC - 15/02/2007

UK aid agency Oxfam has warned a new humanitarian catastrophe, like that in Darfur, could happen in Chad if ethnic conflict is not brought under control. Inter-ethnic fighting along the border with Darfur has displaced tens of thousands of Chadians in the past year. This followed attacks on villages, with many burned to the ground.

Blizzards sweep across N America
BBC - 15/02/2007

Massive snow storms have battered North America, closing schools in the region and stopping hundreds of flights. Snow, sleet and rain slammed into Canada and the north-eastern United States in the worst storms this winter. More than 50 people have died in the US since the cold snap first hit in January. Hundreds of flights were cancelled in New York, Washington, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa, and meteorologists say the deep freeze is set to continue.

Anglicans face difficult summit
BBC - 14/02/2007

Leaders of the Anglican Church have gathered in Tanzania for a summit which is likely to be dominated by the divisive issue of homosexuality. The conservative majority is fiercely opposed to those who believe the church should accept gay clergy members. The controversy threatens to create a schism in the 38 national churches which make up the Anglican Communion. A spokesman for the leader of the world's Anglicans said it looks like it may be a "difficult conference".

UK is accused of failing children
BBC - 14/02/2007

The UK has been accused of failing its children, as it comes bottom of a league table for child well-being across 21 industrialised countries. The Unicef report looked at 40 indicators including poverty, peer and family relationships, and health. One of the report's authors told the BBC that under-investment and a "dog eat dog" attitude in society were to blame for Britain's poor performance.

Crop failures in Australia hit wine prices
The Scotsman - 12/02/2007

WINE drinkers in Britain have been warned that Australian brands are expected to soar in price after crop failures caused severe shortages of popular grape varieties. But now some of Australia's biggest suppliers have issued a warning over prices in the wake of a country-wide drought, harsh frosts, bush fires and plagues of locusts during the 2006-7 growing season.

Putin attacks 'very dangerous' US
BBC - 11/02/2007

Russian President Vladimir Putin has criticised the United States for what he said was its "almost uncontained" use of force around the world. Washington's "very dangerous" approach to global relations was fuelling a nuclear arms race, he told a security summit in Munich. Correspondents say the strident speech may signal a more assertive Russia.

World News in Brief - Disease Epidemics - 11/02/2007

Somalia - A number of people have died form an unprecedented disease that broke out in Hiran province, central Somalia. The disease has been reported to kill seven persons in Jalalaksi district, central Somalia. Doctors and residents in the area fear the disease could spread quickly. At least 14 people were killed and a dozen more of livestock have died in Lower Jubba province, southern Somalia, after Rift Valley Fever broke out in the province. A cholera outbreak in Somalia has killed more than 115 people and hospitalized 724 in towns where people were forced to use contaminated water from a flooded river, doctors said Wednesday.

Temple's location found, says Israeli archaeologist - 11/02/2007

Using maps created in 1866 by a British explorer and passages from the Jewish Mishnah, an Israeli archaeologist and professor at Hebrew University says he has pinpointed the location of the sacred Jewish Temple, twice built and twice destroyed in ancient times. While popular consensus places the Temple, built by King Solomon in the 10th century B.C. and rebuilt by Jews who returned from Babylon in the 5th century B.C., on the site of the present Muslim Dome of the Rock, Prof. Joseph Patrich says archaeological remains show its exact location and the consensus is wrong.

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