Jordan's king warns of spreading civil war
The Washington Times - 26/11/2006

Jordan's King Abdullah says the Middle East is on the brink of three potential civil wars -- in Iraq, in Lebanon and among the Palestinians.
Abdullah, who hosts U.S. President George Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for talks Wednesday, appeared Sunday on ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos."
"We can possibly imagine going into 2007 and having three civil wars on our hands," the king said.

US dollar 'will keep falling'
The Observer - 26/11/2006

The US dollar has reached a 'tipping point' as foreign exchange markets wake up to the threat that the Federal Reserve will have to slash interest rates in the new year to stave off recession, analysts say. After a sharp sell-off on Friday took the greenback to 18-month lows against the euro, and pushed the pound to $1.93, economists warned that there was worse to come for the US currency.

Meshaal warns of 'third intifada'
Aljazeera - 26/11/2006

The political leader of Hamas has said the US and Europe have an historical opportunity at the moment to resolve the Middle East conflict.
"In six months ... if this chance is not used, the Palestinian people will close all political files and launch a third intifada," Khaled Meshaal said in Cairo on Saturday

China and Pakistan in trade deal
BBC News - 25/11/2006

Chinese President Hu Jintao has signed a free trade deal with his Pakistani counterpart, Gen Pervez Musharraf, during talks in Islamabad.
Diplomats say the agreement could triple the value of bilateral trade within five years, to $15bn (£7.7bn).
The two countries have also agreed new defence and energy deals and pledged to continue nuclear co-operation.

Ethiopia 'ready for Islamist war'
BBC News - 23/11/2006

Ethiopia has made preparations for a conflict with the Islamists who control much of southern Somalia, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has told MPs.
The Islamists have repeatedly declared Jihad, or Holy War on Ethiopia, accusing it of backing their rivals in Somalia's interim government.

Iraq and Syria restore ties
AlJazeera - 21/11/2006

Iraq and Syria have confirmed they have fully restored diplomatic relations after they were severed 24 years ago.
The agreement was announced in Baghdad by Walid Moallem, the Syrian foreign minister, who earlier called for a timetable for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, and Hoshyar Zebari, the Iraqi foreign minister.
Relations between the two countries were severed in 1982 when Damascus accused Baghdad of fuelling riots by the banned Muslim Brotherhood in Syria.

Iraq considers three-way talks with Iran and Syria
LaTimes - 21/11/2006

BAGHDAD Iraqi leaders said Monday that they were seriously considering three-way talks with Iran and Syria, responding to an overture from Iran's president that raised new questions about the level of American influence here.
The talks would focus on how the two neighbouring countries could help quell rising sectarian bloodshed in Iraq, according to Iraqi officials familiar with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's offer.
The invitation to a summit is a further assertion of Iran's influence in Iraq, and it comes at a time when the U.S. government is sharply divided over whether to make an appeal of its own to Iran and Syria.

China seeks improved India ties
BBC news - 21/11/2006

Chinese President Hu Jintao has said China wants to increase its "mutual trust" with India.
Mr Hu, who is the first Chinese head of state to visit India in 10 years, has also held talks with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
The two countries are expected to sign a series of co-operation agreements.

Churches remain divided on issues
BBC Rome correspondent - 21/11/2006

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, the leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion, is due to arrive in Rome to meet Pope Benedict XVI.
His six-day stay in Rome marks the 40th anniversary of the ground-breaking visit of his predecessor Michael Ramsey to the Vatican, which was the first visit by an Archbishop of Canterbury to the Holy See since the time of the Reformation.

Syria To Use "all Available Means" To Regain Golan Heights
DPA - 19/11/2006

Syria Deputy Foreign Minister Fayssal Mekdad said Sunday that Syria wants the return of all its occupied land and would use "all available means" if Israel continued to reject a withdrawal from these lands.

Ayatollah who backs suicide bombs aims to be Iran's next spiritual leader.
Sunday Telegraph - 19/11/2006

An ultra-conservative Iranian cleric who opposes all dialogue with the West is a frontrunner to become the country's next supreme spiritual leader. In a move that would push Iran even further into the diplomatic wilderness, Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah-Yazdi, 71, who publicly backs the use of suicide bombers against Israel, is campaigning to succeed Grand Ayatollah Ali Khameini, 67, as the head of the Islamic state.

Devout Christians flocking to French church after 'sightings' of Jesus - 19/11/2006

Devout Christians are flocking to a church on the French Riviera where both Jesus and the Virgin Mary are said to have appeared to worshippers.
The holy 'visions' are being taken so seriously they are being investigated by a French Bishop and the Pope has been informed.

But the signs that a divine presence is in the room are not the traditional dazzling lights or gentle breeze. Instead, the chosen ones are suffering vomiting and convulsions more akin to scenes from The Exorcist.

Climate talks a tricky business
BBC News - 18/11/2006

"That's the question you're not allowed to ask," the delegate wryly ticked me off as we chatted in the Nairobi sunshine.
It was the question I had been asking all the way through the UN climate talks - what is any of this actually doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

You would think it would be the one question on everybody's lips at conferences designed to formulate the definitive international response to climate change.

The reality is that climate change has become an incredibly complex issue.

US paves way for Russia WTO entry
BBC News - 18/11/2006

Russia and the US have signed a bilateral agreement that allows Russia to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) after 12 years of negotiations. The 800-page trade pact was signed during a meeting of Asia-Pacific leaders in Hanoi.
Russia's WTO membership was dependent on the deal - outlining reductions in tariffs across a range of industries. Previous hopes of a breakthrough failed negotiators failed to clinch a deal at the G8 summit in July

China: Slowing Growth And Expanding Influence - 18/11/2006

The pace of economic growth in China is growing, as the Middle Kingdom expands its influence abroad. The combination might prove interesting for China and the global economy.
According to recent Chinese government figures, the pace of growth of China's economy fell to 14.7% as measured by its value-added industrial output for the month of October. The figures were short of the 16% or above expected by many economists

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)