Drop nuke plan: Beijing to Tokyo
SMS NEWS - 16/11/2006

BEIJING: An alarmed China today urged Japan not to develop nuclear weapons and adhere to its pacifist constitution so as to maintain regional peace and stability.

Iranian paper: Great war to wipe out Israel coming
ynetnews.com - 15/11/2006

Iranian newspapers Kehyan and and Resalat have urged Muslims around the world to prepare for a 'great war' to destroy the State of Israel. The newspapers published the editorials to mark 'Quds' day on October 20, an Iranian 'holiday' calling for the "liberation" of Jerusalem and war against Israel.

"Hizbullah destroyed at least half of Israel in the Lebanon war? Now only half the path (to its destruction) remains," an editorial in the conservative Keyhan newspaper declared.

Awaiting the Iranian messiah
ynetnews.com - 15/11/2006

A glimpse into the apocalyptic ideology gripping the Iranian government. He challenges the largest superpower on earth, threatens a regional superpower with annihilation, and mocks international efforts to keep tabs on his nuclear program. Where does the unswerving confidence of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad come from?

Single GCC currency 'will ease capital flow'
TradeArabia News Service - 08/11/2006

A single GCC currency will open the regional market and ease the flow of investment and capital, says Shaikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, the Bahraini Minister of Finance.
We are watching Europe's experience, and we think we can mirror that here, he said in an interview featured in the UK-based publishing, research and consultancy service - Oxford Business Group's (OBG) - second comprehensive economic, business and political review publication, 'Emerging Bahrain 2006'.

Food Chain seen as new terrorist target
Zeenews.com - 08/11/2006

Hanoi, Nov 14: Nations must respond to new and emerging forms of terror attacks such as mass food poisoning, according to a report drawn up for Asia-Pacific leaders meeting at a weekend summit in Vietnam.
The report said terrorism remains a major and constantly evolving threat in the region which has already witnessed attacks that have killed hundreds of people, notably in Bali and Mumbai.

Drought worst in 1000 years
Herald Sun - 08/11/2006

AUSTRALIA was in the middle of its worst drought in 1000 years, Prime Minister John Howard was told yesterday.
The stark warning was delivered to Mr Howard and three premiers by River Murray Water general manager David Dreverman.

Chaotic world of climate truth
Director, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research - 04/11/2006

As activists organised by the group Stop Climate Chaos gather in London to demand action, one of Britain's top climate scientists says the language of chaos and catastrophe has got out of hand.

Panel 'to urge Iraq policy shift'
BBC News - 17/10/2006

High-level White House advisers are said to be ready to call for a major change in Washington's policy on Iraq.
Members of the panel, which is led by former US Secretary of State James Baker, told the LA Times the shift could include large troop withdrawals.

2nd warning for Muslims to leave U.S. before attack
WorldNetDaily - 16/10/2006

'Because Allah's punishment would fall on America in the month of Ramadan'
Another Pakistani journalist is reporting receiving another threat this one from a senior Taliban leader warning all Muslims to leave the U.S. in anticipation of a major terrorist attack before the end of Ramadan.
The head of the Islamabad-based al-Quds Center reported receiving an audio message from Mullah Masoom Afghani urging U.S. Muslims to get out of the country "because Allah's punishment would fall on America in the month of Ramadan."

Blair gives backing to army chief
BBC News - 13/10/2006

Tony Blair has given his support to the new head of the Army, who has made controversial comments on the Iraq war.
General Sir Richard Dannatt is quoted in the Daily Mail saying British troops "exacerbated" Iraq's security problems and should withdraw "sometime soon".

N Korea 'to conduct nuclear test'
BBC News - 03/10/2006

North Korea is to conduct a nuclear test "in the future", the foreign ministry has said in a statement.
The move would bolster the country's self-defence in the face of US military hostility, official agency KCNA said.

Syria threat over Golan puts Israel on war alert
aily Telegraph - 01/10/2006

Israel has gone on heightened alert over a possible war with Syria amid reports that President Bashar Assad may be considering military strikes to regain the Golan Heights. For years Israeli military intelligence has down-played Syria's capacity to launch a meaningful attack against Israel, and the threat level has been kept "low".
But Israeli reports have revealed that the threat level had been raised after intelligence assessments that Damascus is "seriously examining" military action.

Anti-gay leaflets charge dropped
BBC News - 27/09/2006

A Christian campaigner has been cleared of using threatening words and behaviour when handing out leaflets at a gay and lesbian event in Cardiff.
Stephen Green, 55, said he may take legal action after a court case against him was dropped for lack of evidence.

Germany Aims To Revive European Constitution
dw-world.de - 26/09/2006

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Monday that his country intends to map out a timetable for the European Union's constitution by the end of its EU presidency in 2007.
In a speech Monday to members of his Social Democratic Party (SPD) before Germany takes it turn at the head of the rotating EU presidency in 2007, Steinmeier urged critics of the constitution, which was rejected last year by voters in France and the Netherlands, to start moving activities along.

Rockets Still Hitting Southern Israel
CNSNews.com - 26/09/2006

The war in Lebanon is over, but Israel is still under attack from terrorists firing rockets from the Gaza Strip.
A female Israeli soldier was wounded Tuesday in a rocket attack on the southern Israeli city of Sderot. The army says about 40 rockets have landed inside Israel between August 28 and September 26.

Despite extensive Israeli military operations inside the Gaza Strip over the summer, rockets have continued to fall inside Israel almost daily, and one city official said the attack on Tuesday -- involving two rockets -- was worse than any before it. "What can we think? It gets worse every day," Sderot spokesman Yossi Cohen said in a telephone interview.

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Just what is an Apostle?

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)