Face recognition next in terror fight
USA TODAY - 11/05/2007

Homeland Security leaders are exploring futuristic and possibly privacy-invading technology aimed at finding terrorists and criminals by using digital surveillance photos that analyze facial characteristics.

'Alternative family' killing Europe?
WorldNetDaily.com - 11/05/2007

In the late 1960s, warnings of a "population" bomb that would doom Earth's inhabitants spawned movements of fervent activists prone to wag a finger at strolling couples with multiple offspring in tow. Nearly 40 years later, crunching the demographic numbers reveals a looming catastrophe but of the completely opposite kind, some contend.

Scientists create 'plastic' blood
BBC - 11/05/2007

Scientists have developed an artificial plastic blood which could act as a substitute in emergencies.
Researchers at Sheffield University said their creation could be a huge advantage in war zones.

Rival groups join forces in Gaza
BBC - 11/05/2007

A major Palestinian security operation has begun in Gaza, in a joint effort by rival political parties to crack down on violence and lawlessness.

Six world powers meet over Iran's nuclear defiance
Reuters - 11/05/2007

Senior officials from six world powers met in Berlin on Thursday to discuss Iran's defiance of U.N. demands that it stop uranium enrichment work the West believes is at the centre of a secret atom-bomb plan.

Toddlers to get lessons in talking as TV kills conversation
Daily Mail - 11/05/2007

Toddlers will be taught how to talk in an attempt to arrest the shocking decline in children's communication skills.

Japan's first 'baby hatch' opens to controversy
AP - 11/05/2007

Japan's first "baby hatch", where parents can drop off unwanted infants anonymously, opened Thursday despite opposition from the conservative national government.

Storm dissipates off Florida but rain welcomed
Reuters - 10/05/2007

Subtropical Storm Andrea dissipated off the U.S. Atlantic Coast on Thursday and promised only scant rainfall in Florida, where BRUSH FIRES BURNED THROUGHOUT THE PARCHED STATE.

Warning as tick diseases on rise
BBC - 10/05/2007

The public has been warned to take extra precautions against ticks as the warm weather heralds a peak in numbers of the blood-sucking parasites.

Half of supermarket soups contain 'harmful' levels of salt
Daily Mail - 10/05/2007

Few things are as comforting or - you might think - as nourishing as a bowl of hot soup.
Yet half of all soups sold in supermarkets and by takeaway chains contain harmful levels of salt.

This week in the E.U.
Europe bulletin - 10/05/2007

A roundup of this weeks news from Europe.

High Cost of the E.U.
Europe bulletin - 10/05/2007


Diplomats warn against giving EU more powers without a referendum
Europe bulletin - 10/05/2007

Some of the UK's most distinguished diplomats have warned that it would be a mistake for the Government to try and push through new powers for the EU without the giving the public a say in a referendum first.

Pace quickens in debate over new EU treaty
Europe bulletin - 10/05/2007

The debate on the new treaty that will replace the rejected European Constitution has intensified in recent weeks.

Pope warns Catholic politicians who back abortion
Reuters - 09/05/2007

Pope Benedict on Wednesday warned Catholic politicians they risked excommunication from the Church and should not receive communion if they support abortion.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)