Embryo test 'offers parents hope'
BBC - 20/06/2006

A new embryo test offers couples at risk of serious genetic diseases a greater chance of having an unaffected baby through IVF, UK scientists say.

Fires Burn in Colo., Ariz., Utah, Alaska
ABC News - 16/06/2006

Colorado Officials Issue Red-Flag Warning As Wildfires Blaze in Parts of the West

National ID card a future job requirement?
azcentral.com - 15/06/2006

The job application of the future may require showing would-be bosses a new ID card proving prospective employees are who they say they are.

Europarliament Vote Opens Way for Embryo Destruction
Zenit News Agency - 15/06/2006

European bishops expressed dismay after the European Parliament's decision to promote research that in effect leads to the destruction of human embryos.

The physicist, the pope and the birth of the universe
AP - 15/06/2006

Famed physicist Stephen Hawking said Thursday that Pope John Paul II tried to discourage him and other scientists attending a cosmology conference at the Vatican from trying to figure out how the universe began.

Vatican Statement on Holy Land Violence
Zenit News Agency - 14/06/2006

The Holy See follows with great alarm and grief the incidents of growing, blind violence that bloody the Holy Land these days.

Britain's asset sell-off
BBC - 14/06/2006

Associated British Ports has just become the latest big UK company to pass into foreign ownership, after a consortium including investment bank Goldman Sachs clinched a £2.5bn takeover deal. As a result of successive sell-offs, large parts of Britain's infrastructure are now owned by companies based elsewhere.

AB Ports agrees to £2.5bn offer
BBC - 14/06/2006

Associated British Ports (ABP), which owns 21 UK ports, has agreed to be taken over in a £2.5bn ($4.6bn) deal.
The firm accepted an offer of 810 pence per share from a consortium which includes investment bank Goldman Sachs.

Bali bomb cleric freed from jail
BBC - 14/06/2006

A Muslim cleric convicted over the 2002 nightclub bombings on Indonesian island Bali, which killed 202 people, has been released from prison in Jakarta.

by Melanie Phillips - 14/06/2006

The suicide bombings carried out in London in 2005 by British Muslims revealed an alarming network of home-grown terrorists and their sympathizers. Somehow, London had become the European hub for the promotion, recruitment and financing of Islamic terror and extremism -- so much so that it was mockingly dubbed "Londonistan" by exasperated European security forces.

Tancredo warns America 'in mortal danger'
WorldNetDaily.com - 14/06/2006

In his new book, "In Mortal Danger," published by WND Books, Tancredo warns that the country is on a course to the dustbin of history. Like the great and mighty empires of the past, he writes, superpowers that once stretched from horizon to horizon, America is heading down the road to ruin.

Islam 'defamation' trial delayed
WorldNetDaily - 14/06/2006

Renowned author charged with 'outrage' against religion. Italian author Oriana Fallaci is facing charges of 'defaming Islam' after the publication of her book "The Force of Reason."

Al Aqsa official admits: Jewish Temples existed
WorldNetDaily - 14/06/2006

JERUSALEM: Contradicting most of his colleagues, a former senior leader of the Waqf, the Islamic custodians of the Temple Mount, told WorldNetDaily in an exclusive interview he has come to believe the first and second Jewish Temples existed and stood at the current location of the Al Aqsa Mosque.

West faces another " Barbarian Invasion"
WorldNetDaily - 13/06/2006

Western civilization faces a threat on par with the barbarian invasions that destroyed the Roman Empire in the 5th century, warns one of Britain's most senior military strategists. Immigrant groups from the Third World with little allegiance to their host countries could undermine Europe in a "reverse colonization," said Rear Admiral Chris Parry, according to the Times of London.

Struggling for Life
ShopNetDaily - 12/06/2006

How our Tax Dollars and Twisted Science Target the Unborn

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)