Pope: Miracles hard to come by in Britain
Daily Mail - 24/06/2007

Tony Blair's eagerly awaited meeting with the Pope resulted in discomfort for the Prime Minister when he found himself on the receiving end of a stern lecture over his record in office.

Kuwait Kicks Sand On The Dollar
moneycentral.msn.com - 24/06/2007

The U.S. dollar took a big hit last week. From Kuwait. On May 20, Kuwait stopped pegging its currency, the dinar, to the U.S. dollar.
You know your currency has become a 98-pound weakling when Kuwait can kick sand on it.

Up to 30,000 have new untreatable form of TB
Reuters - 22/06/2007

A new, untreatable form of tuberculosis is striking up to 30,000 people a year, the World Health Organization said on Friday, and warned it could spark an "apocalyptic scenario" if unchecked.

Palestinian official: Women must martyr themselves
WorldNetDaily.com - 22/06/2007

News stories of female suicide bombers - young women in the prime of life, sometimes pregnant or with their children - blowing up themselves and dozens of innocent bystanders with explosive belts, have shocked the world in recent months.

German Europe
german-foreign-policy.com - 21/06/2007

The power struggle for German voting dominance in the EU Council of Ministers is intensifying in advance of today's summit conference.

Arabs Losing Faith in 'the Cause'
nysun.com - 21/06/2007

Why is America trying to pour new money and more weapons into Palestinian Arab hands barely days after the Gaza debacle? It is an ill-considered policy, both premature and useless.

US 'wants Blair' for Mid-East job
BBC - 21/06/2007

Tony Blair has spoken to President Bush and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice about becoming a Middle East envoy, a White House official says.

EU to drop idea of constitution
BBC - 20/06/2007

Germany has proposed to EU states that they should agree to drop the idea of a constitution when they meet at a summit in Brussels on Thursday and Friday.

Red flag fire alert issued in Los Angeles County
dailynews.com - 20/06/2007

Hot, dry and windy conditions Tuesday prompted authorities to issue a red-flag warning across Los Angeles County, and firefighters ramped up their staffing and equipment in preparation for what could be one of the most dangerous fire seasons in decades.

Carter: Stop favoring Fatah over Hamas
jpost.com - 20/06/2007

The United States, Israel and the European Union must end their policy of favoring Fatah over Hamas, or they will doom the Palestinian people to deepening conflict between the rival movements, former US President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday

Schwarzenegger, Blair to Meet in London
philly.com - 20/06/2007

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is scheduled to travel to London on Sunday, two days before British Prime Minister Tony Blair leaves office, to reciprocate a visit Blair made to California.

China building more power plants
BBC - 20/06/2007

China is now building about two power stations every week, the top climate change official at the UK Foreign Office, John Ashton, has said.

Life just got a lot more complicated
telegraph.co.uk - 19/06/2007

The deeper scientists look into the human genetic code, the more baffling it becomes but it is also increasing their understanding of disease, reports Roger Highfield

Iran says won't rule out using oil as a weapon
reuters.com - 19/06/2007

TEHRAN - Iran will not rule out using oil as a weapon if the United States resorts to military action against the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program, an Iranian oil official said in remarks published on Tuesday.

The case of the disappearing Great Lake
usatoday.com - 19/06/2007

BARAGA, Mich. - "Where did the water go?" asks Ted Shalifor, manager of a marina and campground on Lake Superior's Chippewa Indian Reservation.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)