Victorious Sarkozy pledges unity
BBC - 07/05/2007

France's new President-elect Nicolas Sarkozy has called for unity after a bitterly-contested campaign.

Bill Mandates Meningococcal Vaccine for All Incoming College Students in Texas - 07/05/2007

Senator Van de Putte is proposing that incoming college students have to take the meningococcal vaccine or else they may not be admitted to school.

Sarkozy elected French president
Reuters - 06/05/2007

Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy won France's presidential election on Sunday, beating his Socialist rival Segolene Royal by a comfortable margin and extending the right's 12-year grip on power.

China may pool foreign reserves
AP - 06/05/2007

Asian nations, led by powerhouses Japan and China, were expected to take an ambitious step toward pooling the region's vast foreign currency reserves on Saturday so Asia can weather financial crises like the one that battered the continent a decade ago.

Brown to inherit Blair's surrender to Brussels
Sunday Telegraph - By Patrick Hennessy, Political Editor - 06/05/2007

Tony Blair intends to use his remaining weeks in office to surrender British powers to Brussels as part of his drive for a European "legacy", senior Whitehall officials claim.

BP boss: Threat that would devastate the City
Daily Mail - 06/05/2007

Oil giant BP threatened to switch its headquarters abroad, according to the former lover of its disgraced boss Lord Browne - a move that would have had devastating consequences for tax revenues and employment in the City of London.

Supermarket secrets: 20 things their ads won't tell you - By Jennifer O'Connell - 06/05/2007

Before your next trip to the Supermarket - read this!

Al Qaeda No. 2 Wants 200,000-300,000 U.S. Dead in Iraq
ABC News - 06/05/2007

In a new video posted today on the Internet, al Qaeda's number two man, Ayman al Zawahiri, mocks the bill passed by Congress setting a timetable for the pullout of U.S. troops in Iraq.

Bodyguards, not altar boys, flank pro-marriage cleric - 06/05/2007

Archbishop receives death threats, bullet in mail from 'Red Brigade' for opposing same-sex unions

Turkey retries presidential vote
BBC - 06/05/2007

Turkey's parliament is to meet soon for a second attempt to elect a new president, a day after thousands called for the only candidate to be withdrawn.

Christ Wants a Universal Church, Pope Says - 05/05/2007

Greets Bishops From a "Multiconfessional Environment"

Teenage girl was stoned to death for loving the wrong boy
Daily Mail - 05/05/2007

The moment a teenage girl was stoned to death for loving the wrong boy

'Christianity is not a disease' - 05/05/2007

Lawsuit seeks restoration of traditional American slogans in classroom

Crackdown on Christians could go nationwide - 05/05/2007

Fears raised that Islamic law will expand under new president

Christians need Exodus from 'Pharoah's system' - 05/05/2007

Minister says 3 of 4 kids lose religious beliefs at public schools

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)