'Gay' activist says 'We will BURY you'
WorldNetDaily.com - 05/05/2007

Threats made against Christian workers opposing homosexual agenda

Newspaper ties Iraqi PM to Revolutionary Guards
WorldNetDaily.com - 05/05/2007

A new report claims to reveal documents confirming Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki held telephone conversations with anti-coalition leader Muqtada al-Sadr and then ordered Iranian commanders to areas where they would not be "arrested or killed" by American troops.

Major discovery increases oil reserve
Chinadaily - 04/05/2007

China's newly found oilfield in Bohai Bay has a reserve of one billion tons, or about 7.35 billion barrels, the largest discovery in the country over four decades, announced the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) Thursday.

When the 'Great Satan' met the 'Axis of Evil'
Telegraph - 04/05/2007

The "Great Satan" and the "Axis of Evil" greeted one another over lunch but refrained from shaking hands or exchanging anything more than pleasantries.

Europe "gets the War on Terror"
americanthinker.com - 04/05/2007

Two headline-grabbing signals came from Europe this week, one from Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany, and the other from Nicolas Sarkozy, the presidential front-runner in France. Both show a new desire to heal the Atlantic alliance, which has been badly strained in the last several years.

Virulent New Strain of TB Raising Fears of Pandemic
Washington Post - 04/05/2007

Bug Is Resistant to Most Available Drugs

Britons could lose right to enter US without a visa
Daily Mail - 04/05/2007

Britons could lose the privilege of visiting the U.S. without a visa because of fears over the terrorist threat from within the British Pakistani community.

Japan PM calls for defence review
BBC - 03/05/2007

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has called for a review of the pacifist constitution imposed after World War II.

Christians meet atheists in televised God debate
WorldNetDaily.com - 03/05/2007

Best-selling author to prove case without mentioning Bible or faith

Down on the "Pharm".
The Guardian - 03/05/2007

A new breed of genetically modified crops could provide cheap drugs and vaccines for the developing world. Only one problem: what if they get into the food chain? Environment correspondent David Adam reports on 'pharming', the new GM front line

Russia cuts off oil in battle over war statue
The Times - 03/05/2007

In a development that echoed Moscow's disputes with Ukraine and Belarus, the state-owned Russian Railways suddenly halted oil deliveries to Estonian ports.

Russia 'hell bent' on new Cold War
WorldNetDaily.com - 03/05/2007

A report by the Russian desk of Britain's secret intelligence service sees a "growing possibility" President Vladimir Putin is prepared to resurrect the climate of the Cold War.

Will Bush veto 'thought police'?
WorldNetDaily.com - 03/05/2007

Opponents say hate crimes plan would destroy American freedoms

'One-stop shop' warning on supermarkets
scotsman.com - 03/05/2007

The major chains "diversified" several years ago into household items such as crockery, television sets and clothes.

"Dark Ages" America - the Final Phase of Empire.
bullnotbull.com - 02/05/2007

Introduction to Morris Berman's book, Dark Ages America - The Final Phase of Empire.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)